Our Parish Feast Day is tomorrow, Sunday, February 9th. Because of the predicted snow amounts, please note that THE HOURS AND DIVINE LITURGY WILL BEGIN AT 10:30 AM. Also, please note that because of the later starting time confessions will be heard only up until the end of the Hours so that we can begin the Liturgy on time. The Sisterhood will provide a festal meal after Liturgy in addition to your potluck donations. If you had signed up to bring a food item but aren’t coming to church due to the forecasted snow, please contact Mary Tague as soon as possible. Above all, please pray before you drive, and drive carefully.
Setup/Cleanup Team - Gregoire Family
This Week is Fast Free as the Church reminds us not to imitate the Pharisee.
Home Blessings - For those who would like their home blessed, please use the sign-up sheet located on the desk in the hallway.
The Next Akathist & Orthodoxy 101 Class will be held this Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 6:00 pm. As usual, there will be a potluck trapeza before and during the class. It’s a fast-free week, so please bring any food item that you would like.
Brotherhood Meeting - A regular meeting of the Parish Brotherhood will be held next Sunday, February 16th after trapeza.
The Monthly Parish Council Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23rd, after trapeza.
Parish Group Text - Please consider joining our Parish Group Text on the Signal App. Signal is a free and secure texting application that’s available in both mobile and desktop versions. The group text allows us to communicate with each other in real time, and that’s especially useful when there’s a threat of severe weather that may affect our service schedule, or when other types of time-sensitive information has to be shared among our parishioners. You can find the links to download the app and to join the group by clicking on the links on the bottom of this page.
In Christ,
Fr. Stephen