SundaySun |
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WednesdayWed |
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SaturdaySat |
Feb 23 (Feb 10)
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy
Feb 24 (Feb 11)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 25 (Feb 12)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 26 (Feb 13)
6:00 pm Akathist 6:30 pm Orthodoxy 101 Class
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 27 (Feb 14)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
Feb 28 (Feb 15)
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
1 (Feb 16)
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
2 (Feb 17)
Cheesefare (Forgiveness) Sunday
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy 11:30 am Forgiveness Vespers
Fast: dairy, fish, wine, & oil
3 (Feb 18)
6:00 pm Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
4 (Feb 19)
6:00 pm Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
5 (Feb 20)
6:00 pm Gfreat Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
6 (Feb 21)
6:00 pm Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
7 (Feb 22)
8 (Feb 23)
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Fast: wine & oil
9 (Feb 24)
Triumph of Orthodoxy
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:00 pm - Parish Community Meal for the Needy
Fast: wine & oil
10 (Feb 25)
11 (Feb 26)
12 (Feb 27)
6:00 pm Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 7:45 pm Spiritual Discussion
13 (Feb 28)
14 (Mar 1)
15 (Mar 2)
9:30 am General Panikhida
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Fast: wine & oil
16 (Mar 3)
St. Gregory Palamas
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:30 pm - Church School (All Ages)
Fast: wine & oil
17 (Mar 4)
18 (Mar 5)
19 (Mar 6)
6:00 pm Liturgy of the Presanctified GIfts 7:45 pm Spiritual Discussion
20 (Mar 7)
21 (Mar 8)
22 (Mar 9)
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Fast: wine & oil
23 (Mar 10)
Adoration of the Cross
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:30 pm - Church School (Ages 10+)
Fast: wine & oil
24 (Mar 11)
EAD Lenten Clergy Retreat
25 (Mar 12)
EAD Lenten Clergy Retreat
26 (Mar 13)
EAD Lenten Clergy Retreat
27 (Mar 14)
28 (Mar 15)
29 (Mar 16)
9:30 am General Panihida
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Fast: wine & oil
30 (Mar 17)
St. John of the Ladder
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:30 pm - Church School (Ages 10+)
Fast: wine & oil
31 (Mar 18)
Apr 1 (Mar 19)
Apr 2 (Mar 20)
6:00 pm Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Apr 3 (Mar 21)
Apr 4 (Mar 22)
Apr 5 (Mar 23)
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Fast: wine & oil