As we begin this undertaking of the decoration and beautification of our little church we should understand this to be a holy work. Our worship is tied directly to our surroundings. The interior design of the church depicts the saints, the Lord Jesus Christ and his saving works, and the Most Holy Theotokos. As the holy fathers tell us the church is the Kingdom of God on earth, therefore this task which we now begin should not be viewed as any other
One of our renowned and gifted clergymen, Father Stefan Sabelnik, has worked out the design of our ikonostas. The design plan is on display and shows the details of the ikonostas. We also have drawings of the church interior showing where certain ikons and murals will be located.
The ikons will be digital reproductions produced by Holy Trinity Monastery. After a great deal of research, both here and abroad, we have found the cost of writing actual ikons far too expensive for our parish at this point in time.
The ikons that will adorn our ikonostas and the walls of our church will be high resolution, digital reproductions of the works of the late archimandrite of Holy Trinity Monastery, the beloved elder Father Kyprian.
With the advances of computer technology, reproductions are rendered of the highest quality, detail, and color. It should be noted that at the turn of the 19th century thousands of printed ikons were distributed throughout Russia to churches and the faithful, and were sent abroad to the churches being established in the “new world”. The tsar and imperial family would send care packages to each new church. In America many older, established parishes still have these prints in use. Therefore, ikon reproductions have a long history in the church and among the faithful. We should not think of them as inferior as God has worked miracles through these humble images. We know well the Myrrh-streaming ikon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker which visited our parish during the early years of our formation. This miraculous ikon of Saint Nicholas is a mounted, photocopy reproduction that was cast aside because it contained a defect which rendered it un-sellable. It was given to Father Elias who now is the guardian of Saint Nicholas.
During the second world war members of the brotherhood of the Pochaev Lavra fled the communists and settled in Ladimirova, Slovakia. There in the parish church are some of the first works of Father Kyprian. The church is all that remains of the monastery in Ladimirova. Father Kyprian along with other members of the Brotherhood made their way finally to America and to our beloved Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York.
Father Kyprian's works are a testimony to his life which is centered in the love of God and the Orthodox faith. While alive, he adorned churches around the world and passed his gift onto numerous individuals.
We now entrust to you, our members, patrons and supporters, the following list and description pertaining to the decoration of our church. We hope that, with prayerful consideration, you will consider helping us obtain this goal.
An ikon can be donated in one lump sum, or as a pledge with the amount paid in increments.
Thank you for your continued prayers, and may Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with peace, health, and prosperity in the New Year ! Glory to God for all things !
All checks should be made out to:
HNM Ikon Fund
and sent to:
Holy New Martyrs Church
c/o 364 Canterbury Turnpike
Norwich, CT 06360
attention: Alexandra Grisel
One of our renowned and gifted clergymen, Father Stefan Sabelnik, has worked out the design of our ikonostas. The design plan is on display and shows the details of the ikonostas. We also have drawings of the church interior showing where certain ikons and murals will be located.
The ikons will be digital reproductions produced by Holy Trinity Monastery. After a great deal of research, both here and abroad, we have found the cost of writing actual ikons far too expensive for our parish at this point in time.
The ikons that will adorn our ikonostas and the walls of our church will be high resolution, digital reproductions of the works of the late archimandrite of Holy Trinity Monastery, the beloved elder Father Kyprian.
With the advances of computer technology, reproductions are rendered of the highest quality, detail, and color. It should be noted that at the turn of the 19th century thousands of printed ikons were distributed throughout Russia to churches and the faithful, and were sent abroad to the churches being established in the “new world”. The tsar and imperial family would send care packages to each new church. In America many older, established parishes still have these prints in use. Therefore, ikon reproductions have a long history in the church and among the faithful. We should not think of them as inferior as God has worked miracles through these humble images. We know well the Myrrh-streaming ikon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker which visited our parish during the early years of our formation. This miraculous ikon of Saint Nicholas is a mounted, photocopy reproduction that was cast aside because it contained a defect which rendered it un-sellable. It was given to Father Elias who now is the guardian of Saint Nicholas.
During the second world war members of the brotherhood of the Pochaev Lavra fled the communists and settled in Ladimirova, Slovakia. There in the parish church are some of the first works of Father Kyprian. The church is all that remains of the monastery in Ladimirova. Father Kyprian along with other members of the Brotherhood made their way finally to America and to our beloved Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York.
Father Kyprian's works are a testimony to his life which is centered in the love of God and the Orthodox faith. While alive, he adorned churches around the world and passed his gift onto numerous individuals.
We now entrust to you, our members, patrons and supporters, the following list and description pertaining to the decoration of our church. We hope that, with prayerful consideration, you will consider helping us obtain this goal.
An ikon can be donated in one lump sum, or as a pledge with the amount paid in increments.
Thank you for your continued prayers, and may Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with peace, health, and prosperity in the New Year ! Glory to God for all things !
All checks should be made out to:
HNM Ikon Fund
and sent to:
Holy New Martyrs Church
c/o 364 Canterbury Turnpike
Norwich, CT 06360
attention: Alexandra Grisel