SURPRISE VISIT OF METROPOLITAN LAURUS - At the end of January His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus was passing through our region on his way to Boston, Holy Epiphany Church, to celebrate their parish feast. Previously the metropolitan had stated he wanted to make an un-announced visit to see the progress of our building project.
Knowing that the metropolitan was coming through the area Father Basil asked whether he would stop in to see us. On Saturday, January 29 we were holding a large work party at the building. Vladyka arrived around 2 p.m. and was able to walk through the building, chat a little with people and then sat down for a quick lunch in the trapeza.
We were fortunate enough to have arranged for a reporter to be present from the Norwich Bulletin. The reporter took some lovely photos and did a full page, color spread in the paper on the following Sunday - which just happened to be the feast day of our parish, the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. It was a wonderful occurrence for all those who were present.
Extra copies of the paper are available if anyone would like them. Jeremiah Blankenbaker, a new member of our parish, works for Fall River Newspaper distributors and managed to bring a large number of extra copies to church.
MOLIEBENS - the celebration of a molieben is a special intercessory service dedicated to a particular saint or saints, the Mother of God, or God. One the occasion of a saints feast this service is often prayed, or a molieben can be requested for thanksgiving, or for good health, an anniversary or after the recovery of an individual. It is offered for living members of the faith. The prayer service is intended to call upon the saint's help and intercession before God on our behalf.
On the occasion of our parish feast day, or in honor of our establishment as a church, a molieben is always offered for the parish and its membership. During the month of February we will also serve a molieben for the Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg who is known for her efforts in the building of churches, and for individuals seeking employment or housing.
To be brief, Saint Ksenia during her lifetime abandoned her life at the Imperial Court following the premature repose of her husband. Ksenia left behind a life of comfort and luxury to walk the streets of Saint Petersburg. She prayed continuously, day and night, in all types of weather. She was known to give away the little that she had, and in addition she would work on church construction sites in the middle of the night. One famous church, the Smolensk Church, was built in great part to her physical aid. She would move piles of bricks from the ground up to the top of the building at night while the workers were home at sleep. Other times she would be seen simply standing in a field outside the city, deeply praying.
As her life continued her spiritual gifts increased. She wandered the city as a "fool for Christ", yet God blessed her with the gift of prophesy. In death, her relics were the source of many miracles, and her intercession is great before God in the construction of churches. Throngs of faithful came to her tomb with requests, even during the communist period.
MONTHLY VARRENYKI SALES - for the support of our operating funds the Sisterhood operates a monthly Pierogi / Varrenyki Sale each month. On the first Saturday of every month we hold a sale of frozen pierogi/varrenyki at the Grange from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The price is $ 4.00 a dozen, and they are available in three varieties: cabbage, potato and cheese, and cabbage and mushroom. They are perfect and wholesome foods for the Fast.
In the future we hope to add more varieties of Varrenyki to our supply, such as: cherry, blueberry, plum, and farmer’s cheese.
Please help us to advertise these events which directly support our parish !
PROGRESS ON CONSTRUCTION OF PARISH CENTER - It has been a long time since we have published a newsletter, partly due to the fact that so much time and energy has been occupied completing our parish center. For those who live at a distance, or are new to our parish we offer this information.
The work has continued on and off now for two full years. The construction actually began in mid-December 2003 with the digging and pouring of the foundation. Now, two year later, after much struggle and difficulty at times we are coming very close to the end.
We are now holding regular work sessions at the building. At the time of this writing we have now turned on the heating system, the lights are now working in the building, the walls have been completed, and interior painting is taking place. The interior doors installed and the floors are being laid. Following these tasks the plumbing fixtures will be going in place - and we hope, God Willing, to obtain a certificate of occupancy in time for PASCHA !
It has been a long road which has been littered with problems and difficulties - sometimes these can from within our midst - but we persevered knowing God would reward our efforts, and He has. Thanks be to God we will soon be moving into our home, but we need your help, both physically and financially ! Please see the request below *
The small church will serve us until the time comes when we can build a separate church dedicated to our heavenly patrons, the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. The little church will be named after the “Reigning” or “Sovereign” Ikon of the Mother of God.
Please remember us always in your prayers, and if God blesses you with abundance please remember our community. We hope to shine forth the light of Orthodoxy to our region and become a beacon of holy tradition for all those who seek the One True God.
* WEEKLY WORK PARTIES - since the end of 2004 we have been holding weekly work sessions at the new building. This is in order to move progress along toward completion, and quite practically speaking - to save money. We have been organizing work groups, on Saturdays mostly, to work on various aspects of the building: painting, cleaning, moving materials, sanding walls, laying floors. During the week some people have worked on the electrical systems and meet with building officials. But there still remains a lot of work to be done, and we need help.
The officials for the City of Norwich have stated they will allow us to occupy the building even though it may not be totally completed. We are trying our best to do certain aspects of the work our selves when time allows. It is our goal then to complete the walls, doors, trim and floors in the church portion, bathrooms and hallway - leaving the trapeza (dining room) and kitchen for completion at a later time. The mechanical systems must be completely operational; bathrooms, water, heat and lights. If we can reach this point we can move out of the Grange and finish the work as we occupy the building.
We need help ! Some work full time jobs and can help on weekends, or even put in a few hours at night. Please contact Father Basil if you can manage a few hours - there is always a long list of things to do……….
NEW PLEDGE LETTERS - Under separate cover there will be a pledge renewal letter being sent to all members and patrons of our parish. Each Spring we ask that every person, couple or household reconsider their weekly pledge and the monthly mortgage pledge.
Each unit of the parish, whether it be single, couple or family should make a sacrificial gift giving thanks to God for all that He bestows upon us. Within the Old Testament God instructs us to give one tenth (a tithe) of all our goods back to God. While we are far from reaching this level of giving we must remember that everything we have; our life, health, family, career, and belongings are given to us by God. We must give something in return, and we must be generous as God is gracious to us.
When the letter arrives please return it in a timely manner. Please consider it seriously and make a truly sacrificial offering for all that God has given us.
RUSSIAN MARDI GRAS DINNER - On SUNDAY MARCH 6, 2005 we will hold our Annual “Russian Mardi Gras” / Maslenitsa Dinner in the Grange Hall from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.. The regular menu has been previously established: Borscht with black bread, Kolbasa, Stuffed Cabbage, Pierogi, green beans, pickles, along with dessert - hot apple crisp with ice cream, and various beverages.
The dinner price is $ 10.00 for adults and $ 5.00 for children. Food will be abundant as always, and we will have a raffle. Please help us, support the work of the parish and invite friends and family to participate in this event.
INDOOR TAG SALE - On Saturday March 13, 2005 we will hold a large, indoor tag sale at the Norwich Grange. The tag sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Once again, we have been given a lot of wonderful items from people throughout the area who know of us and support our parish.
We need helping hands ! Anyone who is available to help set up merchandise, or to help cash out on Saturday please offer your services. Dick Tarryk is in charge of the event.
LENTEN DISCUSSION GROUP - During Great Lent in addition to the services which direct our thoughts and develop our spiritual life we will hold a weekly discussion group on Friday evenings.
It is our parish custom to serve the service of Small Compline along with the entire akafist to the Mother of God. The service usually take about one hour. Following the service we are pleased to announce that Gary Dipple will lead a discussion group on the spiritual book, the “Way of the Pilgrim”.
Gary is a newer yet quite active member of our parish and is himself a graduate of Holy Cross Theological College (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese) in Brookline, Massachusetts. We are glad to have Gary’s assistance in leading the group. Beverages and light refreshments will be prepared. The book will be available for purchase through Gary.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES - Our young people are engaged in another church school year. The Yolka in January was a tremendous success and very creative this year - probably, the best Yolka ever ! We wish to encourage our young people to continue with their Orthodox education and grow to more know of their faith. It is a very important aspect of life, no matter what age we may be.
In past years during Holy Trinity Week we have held a bonfire and barbeque. We have had a small gathering of people up on the property. This year, as we look forward to occupying the new parish center, we hope to hold a small, sleepover retreat and invite young people from neighboring parishes to attend.
The Youth Group will be dedicated to St. Herman of Alaska in honor of his ever-youthful missionary activity. St. Herman is also the patron of the youth conference held each year and attended by young people from across North America.
“BIG Y” EDUCATION PROGRAM - Our church school has recently been registered at Big Y for participation in the Educational Programs. When you shop at Big Y you can register as a member of our parish. Each time you make a purchase and use your card points will accumulate in an account for our benefit. As the points mount we will be able to acquire items for use in the church school. Please invite friends and family to register for our parish if they are not already engaged with another school system.
Please mention: Holy New Martyrs Church School - I.D. # 7551
COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND CHARITABLE WORK - Our parish is involved in two aspects of community outreach through Subdeacon Paul Przybylski. Each month Paul, Tania and Natasha take charge of the Saturday Soup Kitchen which is operated in downtown Norwich.
One Saturday a month the family prepares a meal that feds up to 100 people. During the winter months there have been additional needs at the soup kitchen, such as; winter clothing, hats, gloves, blankets and other needs for the homeless. It is difficult to understand how such needs exist in American society today. If anyone is able to take a day to help the Przybylski family at the soup kitchen, please step forward. Contact them. It will change your outlook on many things.
The second aspect of community outreach has been our parish participation in the Peanut Butter collection. Very simply, each month we collect as many jars of peanut butter as possible to add to the food bank in downtown Norwich. Peanut butter is a great source of inexpensive protein, and as a food is very versatile. The collection basket is placed in the vestibule and each month is emptied. Please help in this small but important way of meeting the needs of our community. There are so many individuals and families in dire need. Good nutrition is so important, especially to the homeless and those struggling to stay alive.
Please help !
PILGRIMAGE TO NOVO DIVEYEVO - for the past two years our parish has participated in the blessing of Graves / Paschal celebration at Novo Diveyevo Women’s Monastery in Spring Valley, New York. The church and grounds hold much history. A beautiful service takes place on St. Thomas Sunday, the second Sunday of Pascha, with hundreds - perhaps thousands of people coming for the blessing of graves in the adjoining cemetery.
The monastery/cemetery grounds have areas for a picnic lunch. In the past two years our parish bookstore has set up a booth with English print Orthodox books, ikons, religious items from Russia, and foods available for purchase. It is a wonderful time to meet new people, to see old friendly faces and to breath in the holiness of Russian monasticism.
This year the day falls on Sunday May 8th. We wish to make a pilgrimage on this day and encourage as many people as possible to join us at the monastery. Novo Diveyevo is only a two hour drive from Norwich and affords us the opportunity to be near a monastic community with great ease. In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine making regular pilgrimages to holy places was seen as an annual occurrence in the life of every Orthodox Christian and needful for spiritual growth. It was not uncommon to walk hundreds of miles to make a pilgrimage to the resting place of a miraculous ikon, or to seek the help of a staretz - an elder, holy person. It is common to go, make confession and receive spiritual guidance during such a pilgrimage.
We hope to organize cars and car pool for those who might be coming alone. If we have enough people, we may look into renting a bus or van for the day. Please look for the sign-up sheet in church if you are interested in making the trip.
Knowing that the metropolitan was coming through the area Father Basil asked whether he would stop in to see us. On Saturday, January 29 we were holding a large work party at the building. Vladyka arrived around 2 p.m. and was able to walk through the building, chat a little with people and then sat down for a quick lunch in the trapeza.
We were fortunate enough to have arranged for a reporter to be present from the Norwich Bulletin. The reporter took some lovely photos and did a full page, color spread in the paper on the following Sunday - which just happened to be the feast day of our parish, the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. It was a wonderful occurrence for all those who were present.
Extra copies of the paper are available if anyone would like them. Jeremiah Blankenbaker, a new member of our parish, works for Fall River Newspaper distributors and managed to bring a large number of extra copies to church.
MOLIEBENS - the celebration of a molieben is a special intercessory service dedicated to a particular saint or saints, the Mother of God, or God. One the occasion of a saints feast this service is often prayed, or a molieben can be requested for thanksgiving, or for good health, an anniversary or after the recovery of an individual. It is offered for living members of the faith. The prayer service is intended to call upon the saint's help and intercession before God on our behalf.
On the occasion of our parish feast day, or in honor of our establishment as a church, a molieben is always offered for the parish and its membership. During the month of February we will also serve a molieben for the Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg who is known for her efforts in the building of churches, and for individuals seeking employment or housing.
To be brief, Saint Ksenia during her lifetime abandoned her life at the Imperial Court following the premature repose of her husband. Ksenia left behind a life of comfort and luxury to walk the streets of Saint Petersburg. She prayed continuously, day and night, in all types of weather. She was known to give away the little that she had, and in addition she would work on church construction sites in the middle of the night. One famous church, the Smolensk Church, was built in great part to her physical aid. She would move piles of bricks from the ground up to the top of the building at night while the workers were home at sleep. Other times she would be seen simply standing in a field outside the city, deeply praying.
As her life continued her spiritual gifts increased. She wandered the city as a "fool for Christ", yet God blessed her with the gift of prophesy. In death, her relics were the source of many miracles, and her intercession is great before God in the construction of churches. Throngs of faithful came to her tomb with requests, even during the communist period.
MONTHLY VARRENYKI SALES - for the support of our operating funds the Sisterhood operates a monthly Pierogi / Varrenyki Sale each month. On the first Saturday of every month we hold a sale of frozen pierogi/varrenyki at the Grange from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The price is $ 4.00 a dozen, and they are available in three varieties: cabbage, potato and cheese, and cabbage and mushroom. They are perfect and wholesome foods for the Fast.
In the future we hope to add more varieties of Varrenyki to our supply, such as: cherry, blueberry, plum, and farmer’s cheese.
Please help us to advertise these events which directly support our parish !
PROGRESS ON CONSTRUCTION OF PARISH CENTER - It has been a long time since we have published a newsletter, partly due to the fact that so much time and energy has been occupied completing our parish center. For those who live at a distance, or are new to our parish we offer this information.
The work has continued on and off now for two full years. The construction actually began in mid-December 2003 with the digging and pouring of the foundation. Now, two year later, after much struggle and difficulty at times we are coming very close to the end.
We are now holding regular work sessions at the building. At the time of this writing we have now turned on the heating system, the lights are now working in the building, the walls have been completed, and interior painting is taking place. The interior doors installed and the floors are being laid. Following these tasks the plumbing fixtures will be going in place - and we hope, God Willing, to obtain a certificate of occupancy in time for PASCHA !
It has been a long road which has been littered with problems and difficulties - sometimes these can from within our midst - but we persevered knowing God would reward our efforts, and He has. Thanks be to God we will soon be moving into our home, but we need your help, both physically and financially ! Please see the request below *
The small church will serve us until the time comes when we can build a separate church dedicated to our heavenly patrons, the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. The little church will be named after the “Reigning” or “Sovereign” Ikon of the Mother of God.
Please remember us always in your prayers, and if God blesses you with abundance please remember our community. We hope to shine forth the light of Orthodoxy to our region and become a beacon of holy tradition for all those who seek the One True God.
* WEEKLY WORK PARTIES - since the end of 2004 we have been holding weekly work sessions at the new building. This is in order to move progress along toward completion, and quite practically speaking - to save money. We have been organizing work groups, on Saturdays mostly, to work on various aspects of the building: painting, cleaning, moving materials, sanding walls, laying floors. During the week some people have worked on the electrical systems and meet with building officials. But there still remains a lot of work to be done, and we need help.
The officials for the City of Norwich have stated they will allow us to occupy the building even though it may not be totally completed. We are trying our best to do certain aspects of the work our selves when time allows. It is our goal then to complete the walls, doors, trim and floors in the church portion, bathrooms and hallway - leaving the trapeza (dining room) and kitchen for completion at a later time. The mechanical systems must be completely operational; bathrooms, water, heat and lights. If we can reach this point we can move out of the Grange and finish the work as we occupy the building.
We need help ! Some work full time jobs and can help on weekends, or even put in a few hours at night. Please contact Father Basil if you can manage a few hours - there is always a long list of things to do……….
NEW PLEDGE LETTERS - Under separate cover there will be a pledge renewal letter being sent to all members and patrons of our parish. Each Spring we ask that every person, couple or household reconsider their weekly pledge and the monthly mortgage pledge.
Each unit of the parish, whether it be single, couple or family should make a sacrificial gift giving thanks to God for all that He bestows upon us. Within the Old Testament God instructs us to give one tenth (a tithe) of all our goods back to God. While we are far from reaching this level of giving we must remember that everything we have; our life, health, family, career, and belongings are given to us by God. We must give something in return, and we must be generous as God is gracious to us.
When the letter arrives please return it in a timely manner. Please consider it seriously and make a truly sacrificial offering for all that God has given us.
RUSSIAN MARDI GRAS DINNER - On SUNDAY MARCH 6, 2005 we will hold our Annual “Russian Mardi Gras” / Maslenitsa Dinner in the Grange Hall from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.. The regular menu has been previously established: Borscht with black bread, Kolbasa, Stuffed Cabbage, Pierogi, green beans, pickles, along with dessert - hot apple crisp with ice cream, and various beverages.
The dinner price is $ 10.00 for adults and $ 5.00 for children. Food will be abundant as always, and we will have a raffle. Please help us, support the work of the parish and invite friends and family to participate in this event.
INDOOR TAG SALE - On Saturday March 13, 2005 we will hold a large, indoor tag sale at the Norwich Grange. The tag sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Once again, we have been given a lot of wonderful items from people throughout the area who know of us and support our parish.
We need helping hands ! Anyone who is available to help set up merchandise, or to help cash out on Saturday please offer your services. Dick Tarryk is in charge of the event.
LENTEN DISCUSSION GROUP - During Great Lent in addition to the services which direct our thoughts and develop our spiritual life we will hold a weekly discussion group on Friday evenings.
It is our parish custom to serve the service of Small Compline along with the entire akafist to the Mother of God. The service usually take about one hour. Following the service we are pleased to announce that Gary Dipple will lead a discussion group on the spiritual book, the “Way of the Pilgrim”.
Gary is a newer yet quite active member of our parish and is himself a graduate of Holy Cross Theological College (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese) in Brookline, Massachusetts. We are glad to have Gary’s assistance in leading the group. Beverages and light refreshments will be prepared. The book will be available for purchase through Gary.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES - Our young people are engaged in another church school year. The Yolka in January was a tremendous success and very creative this year - probably, the best Yolka ever ! We wish to encourage our young people to continue with their Orthodox education and grow to more know of their faith. It is a very important aspect of life, no matter what age we may be.
In past years during Holy Trinity Week we have held a bonfire and barbeque. We have had a small gathering of people up on the property. This year, as we look forward to occupying the new parish center, we hope to hold a small, sleepover retreat and invite young people from neighboring parishes to attend.
The Youth Group will be dedicated to St. Herman of Alaska in honor of his ever-youthful missionary activity. St. Herman is also the patron of the youth conference held each year and attended by young people from across North America.
“BIG Y” EDUCATION PROGRAM - Our church school has recently been registered at Big Y for participation in the Educational Programs. When you shop at Big Y you can register as a member of our parish. Each time you make a purchase and use your card points will accumulate in an account for our benefit. As the points mount we will be able to acquire items for use in the church school. Please invite friends and family to register for our parish if they are not already engaged with another school system.
Please mention: Holy New Martyrs Church School - I.D. # 7551
COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND CHARITABLE WORK - Our parish is involved in two aspects of community outreach through Subdeacon Paul Przybylski. Each month Paul, Tania and Natasha take charge of the Saturday Soup Kitchen which is operated in downtown Norwich.
One Saturday a month the family prepares a meal that feds up to 100 people. During the winter months there have been additional needs at the soup kitchen, such as; winter clothing, hats, gloves, blankets and other needs for the homeless. It is difficult to understand how such needs exist in American society today. If anyone is able to take a day to help the Przybylski family at the soup kitchen, please step forward. Contact them. It will change your outlook on many things.
The second aspect of community outreach has been our parish participation in the Peanut Butter collection. Very simply, each month we collect as many jars of peanut butter as possible to add to the food bank in downtown Norwich. Peanut butter is a great source of inexpensive protein, and as a food is very versatile. The collection basket is placed in the vestibule and each month is emptied. Please help in this small but important way of meeting the needs of our community. There are so many individuals and families in dire need. Good nutrition is so important, especially to the homeless and those struggling to stay alive.
Please help !
PILGRIMAGE TO NOVO DIVEYEVO - for the past two years our parish has participated in the blessing of Graves / Paschal celebration at Novo Diveyevo Women’s Monastery in Spring Valley, New York. The church and grounds hold much history. A beautiful service takes place on St. Thomas Sunday, the second Sunday of Pascha, with hundreds - perhaps thousands of people coming for the blessing of graves in the adjoining cemetery.
The monastery/cemetery grounds have areas for a picnic lunch. In the past two years our parish bookstore has set up a booth with English print Orthodox books, ikons, religious items from Russia, and foods available for purchase. It is a wonderful time to meet new people, to see old friendly faces and to breath in the holiness of Russian monasticism.
This year the day falls on Sunday May 8th. We wish to make a pilgrimage on this day and encourage as many people as possible to join us at the monastery. Novo Diveyevo is only a two hour drive from Norwich and affords us the opportunity to be near a monastic community with great ease. In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine making regular pilgrimages to holy places was seen as an annual occurrence in the life of every Orthodox Christian and needful for spiritual growth. It was not uncommon to walk hundreds of miles to make a pilgrimage to the resting place of a miraculous ikon, or to seek the help of a staretz - an elder, holy person. It is common to go, make confession and receive spiritual guidance during such a pilgrimage.
We hope to organize cars and car pool for those who might be coming alone. If we have enough people, we may look into renting a bus or van for the day. Please look for the sign-up sheet in church if you are interested in making the trip.

From days of yore, the Russian people, firmly believing in the almighty help rendered by the Most-holy Theotokos, have given to her the title “Seeker-out of the Lost,” i.e. the ultimate refuge, the last hope of those who are perishing.
Reliable information about the origin of the ‘Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon has not survived. There exist several miraculous icons bearing that name, icons through which the Mother of God has shown her mercy toward people who had already crossed the threshold of perdition.
In the mid-17th Century, in the village of Bor in Kaluga Province, while traveling on the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord a pious peasant named Theodot Obukhov was caught up in a blizzard. His exhausted horses stopped at an impassible ravine. Seeing no means to save himself, Obukhov lay down in his sleigh and began to fall asleep, unconscious of the fact that he would freeze to death. However, in those awful moments, he called out with all his being to the Queen of Heaven for help, and promised to make for his parish church a “Seeker-out of the Lost Icon. She heard his heart-felt prayer: In a neighboring village, a certain peasant suddenly heard a voice coming from outside his window, and saying “Take [him].” He went out and saw Obukhov, half-frozen, in his sleigh. Upon recovering, Obukhov immediately kept his promise and ordered a copy of the Icon from the Church of St. George in the town of Volkhov, Orel Province. From that time on, the Bor “Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon gained renown for a multitude of miraculous signs and wonders. Other miraculous “Seeker-out of the Lost” that have gained renown include: one from the village of Malizhin, Kharkov Province, that appeared in 1770 and on three occasions saved the villagers from a cholera epidemic; one from the village of Krasnoe, Chernigov Province, and one from Voronezh, Kozlov Tambov Province. In 1835 a church dedicated to the “Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon was consecrated at the Alexandrov Orphans’ Institute in Moscow.
Of special interest is the tradition related to the “Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon of the Mother of God in the Moscow church known as the Church of the Resurrection (in honor of the dedication of the Church of Christ’s Resurrection in Jerusalem). That icon had been translated from the Church of the Nativity of Christ on Palashev Lane. Its last owner, was a widower on the brink of utter poverty. His fervent prayers to the Most-holy Theotokos saved him from despair and decided the fate of his orphaned children. The man considered himself unworthy of having a miraculous icon in his home, and gave it to the church. In 1812 the French looted the Palashev church. The desecrated Holy Icon was found, broken into three pieces, lying amid all kinds of rubbish. The finding of the Icon was accompanied by a multitude of miraculous healings. Brides would turn to the Icon to ask for a marriage that was unto salvation. People who had fallen into alcoholism, who were perishing in poverty, or who suffered from diseases, came to her in prayer, as did mothers whose children were perishing. To all, the Queen of Heaven sends down her assistance and support.
“Seek us out, who are perishing. O Most-holy Virgin, thou dost not punish us according to our sins, but hast mercy on us according to thy love for mankind: do thou deliver us from hell, sickness and need, and save us.” (Troparion, tone 4).
Reliable information about the origin of the ‘Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon has not survived. There exist several miraculous icons bearing that name, icons through which the Mother of God has shown her mercy toward people who had already crossed the threshold of perdition.
In the mid-17th Century, in the village of Bor in Kaluga Province, while traveling on the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord a pious peasant named Theodot Obukhov was caught up in a blizzard. His exhausted horses stopped at an impassible ravine. Seeing no means to save himself, Obukhov lay down in his sleigh and began to fall asleep, unconscious of the fact that he would freeze to death. However, in those awful moments, he called out with all his being to the Queen of Heaven for help, and promised to make for his parish church a “Seeker-out of the Lost Icon. She heard his heart-felt prayer: In a neighboring village, a certain peasant suddenly heard a voice coming from outside his window, and saying “Take [him].” He went out and saw Obukhov, half-frozen, in his sleigh. Upon recovering, Obukhov immediately kept his promise and ordered a copy of the Icon from the Church of St. George in the town of Volkhov, Orel Province. From that time on, the Bor “Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon gained renown for a multitude of miraculous signs and wonders. Other miraculous “Seeker-out of the Lost” that have gained renown include: one from the village of Malizhin, Kharkov Province, that appeared in 1770 and on three occasions saved the villagers from a cholera epidemic; one from the village of Krasnoe, Chernigov Province, and one from Voronezh, Kozlov Tambov Province. In 1835 a church dedicated to the “Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon was consecrated at the Alexandrov Orphans’ Institute in Moscow.
Of special interest is the tradition related to the “Seeker-out of the Lost” Icon of the Mother of God in the Moscow church known as the Church of the Resurrection (in honor of the dedication of the Church of Christ’s Resurrection in Jerusalem). That icon had been translated from the Church of the Nativity of Christ on Palashev Lane. Its last owner, was a widower on the brink of utter poverty. His fervent prayers to the Most-holy Theotokos saved him from despair and decided the fate of his orphaned children. The man considered himself unworthy of having a miraculous icon in his home, and gave it to the church. In 1812 the French looted the Palashev church. The desecrated Holy Icon was found, broken into three pieces, lying amid all kinds of rubbish. The finding of the Icon was accompanied by a multitude of miraculous healings. Brides would turn to the Icon to ask for a marriage that was unto salvation. People who had fallen into alcoholism, who were perishing in poverty, or who suffered from diseases, came to her in prayer, as did mothers whose children were perishing. To all, the Queen of Heaven sends down her assistance and support.
“Seek us out, who are perishing. O Most-holy Virgin, thou dost not punish us according to our sins, but hast mercy on us according to thy love for mankind: do thou deliver us from hell, sickness and need, and save us.” (Troparion, tone 4).

1. The Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara of Holy New Martyrs Orthodox Church, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold its monthly pierogi sale on Saturday, November 5, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Pierogi are available for sale through "Babushka's Kitchen". Varieties include a selection of potato and cheese, cabbage and cabbage and mushroom. The cost is $ 4.00 a dozen. During this month's sale there will also be handmade craft items, gift baskets and a small farmer's market in the dining hall.
Holy New Martyrs Bookstore opens to the public on this same day. The bookstore offers a range of hand crafted imports from Russia, Greece and Ukraine. There are religious books pertaining to the Orthodox faith, baptismal crosses and chains, ikons and other religious items. The bookstore will be open the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and also each Sunday from noon (following Divine Services) until 2 p.m.
Holy New Martyrs Bookstore is also open by special appointment. Please call 860-892-5037 and leave a message.
2. The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold its annual Autumn Slavic Dinner on Sunday, November 20, 2005. We will serve dinner from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The dinner will include traditional fare; borscht, stuffed cabbage, mashed potato, kielbasa, black bread, green beans, hot apple crisp and ice cream, and beverages. The donation for adults is $ 10.00, children is $ 5.00. There will be a door prize and basket raffle.
Also, during the dinner the public is invited to visit Holy New Martyrs Bookstore which is newly stocked with imports for holiday decoration and gift giving. Proceeds benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
Please call for advance reservations, the seating is limited ! - 860-859-2287.
3. The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold a Christmas Wreath Sale on Saturday, November 26, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturday, December 3, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the monthly pierogi sale.
Fresh, fully decorated evergreen wreaths will be available for purchase. During the sale the bookstore will be opened by special request. Proceeds of the wreath sale will benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
4. The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold a weekly discussion on "the Orthodox Faith and Holy Tradition". The program will begin with a short prayer service, then proceed onto the presentation and discussion. The group will meet on Friday December 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 2005 from 7 to 9 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. The discussion group is opened to the public and those learning more about the Eastern Orthodox Faith. There is no admission charge.
5. The Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara of Holy New Martyrs Church, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold its annual Christmas Cookie and Bake Sale on Saturday, December 17, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Beautifully arranged trays, platters and tins of holiday cookies and treats will be available for purchase. Special sweet and holiday breads will also be available along with Father Basil's breads. Also, dozens of pierogi will be for sale through "Babushka's Kitchen", a table of craft items and gift baskets.
Pierogi are available for sale through "Babushka's Kitchen". Varieties include a selection of potato and cheese, cabbage and cabbage and mushroom. The cost is $ 4.00 a dozen. During this month's sale there will also be handmade craft items, gift baskets and a small farmer's market in the dining hall.
Holy New Martyrs Bookstore opens to the public on this same day. The bookstore offers a range of hand crafted imports from Russia, Greece and Ukraine. There are religious books pertaining to the Orthodox faith, baptismal crosses and chains, ikons and other religious items. The bookstore will be open the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and also each Sunday from noon (following Divine Services) until 2 p.m.
Holy New Martyrs Bookstore is also open by special appointment. Please call 860-892-5037 and leave a message.
2. The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold its annual Autumn Slavic Dinner on Sunday, November 20, 2005. We will serve dinner from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The dinner will include traditional fare; borscht, stuffed cabbage, mashed potato, kielbasa, black bread, green beans, hot apple crisp and ice cream, and beverages. The donation for adults is $ 10.00, children is $ 5.00. There will be a door prize and basket raffle.
Also, during the dinner the public is invited to visit Holy New Martyrs Bookstore which is newly stocked with imports for holiday decoration and gift giving. Proceeds benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
Please call for advance reservations, the seating is limited ! - 860-859-2287.
3. The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold a Christmas Wreath Sale on Saturday, November 26, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturday, December 3, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the monthly pierogi sale.
Fresh, fully decorated evergreen wreaths will be available for purchase. During the sale the bookstore will be opened by special request. Proceeds of the wreath sale will benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
4. The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold a weekly discussion on "the Orthodox Faith and Holy Tradition". The program will begin with a short prayer service, then proceed onto the presentation and discussion. The group will meet on Friday December 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 2005 from 7 to 9 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. The discussion group is opened to the public and those learning more about the Eastern Orthodox Faith. There is no admission charge.
5. The Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara of Holy New Martyrs Church, 364 Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich, will hold its annual Christmas Cookie and Bake Sale on Saturday, December 17, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Beautifully arranged trays, platters and tins of holiday cookies and treats will be available for purchase. Special sweet and holiday breads will also be available along with Father Basil's breads. Also, dozens of pierogi will be for sale through "Babushka's Kitchen", a table of craft items and gift baskets.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We see that the transition from Summer to Autumn has given the earth its much needed rest. God has replenished the waters which had become scarce during the summer this year. The cool, crisp days will pass by all too swiftly and soon we will be in the midst of Winter.
This is the first newsletter we have issued since our arrival on Canterbury Turnpike. Thanks be to God, after nearly three years of construction, we have finally moved into our own building. We are so pleased and thankful to God. We hope that we can now begin to attract new members to our parish.
During the Autumn God allows the earth this much needed time to calm itself. As the time passes we will soon be preparing ourselves and our families for the celebration of Christ's Nativity. Each year it seems to become more frenzied and thoughtless. People mindlessly run about thinking of how to best satisfy each other with gifts that will somehow fulfill their expectations. How sad our world has become.
How does one explain to a child in a poor family why life is so difficult and there are few gifts. What began with the three Holy Magi bringing gifts to honor our Lord has evolved into a race to satisfy ego and admonish guilt. None of this has anything to do with Our Lord, or his Nativity. To quote a protestant hymn, "Jesus is the reason for the season".
With all that disturbs us in the world, with whatever energy we have we should fight these tendencies within our families. Place God at the center of all we do. Remember the poor, the homeless, and the elderly during this time - show charity, this we are called to do during each Fast. A gift of the heart can be the easiest gift we can give and it costs us nothing but a little time.
And for the sake of our souls, please make every effort to make a confession and receive Holy Communion during the Fast. Don't wait - we eat every day. Our bodies need food, so does our soul.
With love in Christ, Father Basil
6 November / 24 October
Ikon of the Theotokos "Joy of all who sorrow"
We see that the transition from Summer to Autumn has given the earth its much needed rest. God has replenished the waters which had become scarce during the summer this year. The cool, crisp days will pass by all too swiftly and soon we will be in the midst of Winter.
This is the first newsletter we have issued since our arrival on Canterbury Turnpike. Thanks be to God, after nearly three years of construction, we have finally moved into our own building. We are so pleased and thankful to God. We hope that we can now begin to attract new members to our parish.
During the Autumn God allows the earth this much needed time to calm itself. As the time passes we will soon be preparing ourselves and our families for the celebration of Christ's Nativity. Each year it seems to become more frenzied and thoughtless. People mindlessly run about thinking of how to best satisfy each other with gifts that will somehow fulfill their expectations. How sad our world has become.
How does one explain to a child in a poor family why life is so difficult and there are few gifts. What began with the three Holy Magi bringing gifts to honor our Lord has evolved into a race to satisfy ego and admonish guilt. None of this has anything to do with Our Lord, or his Nativity. To quote a protestant hymn, "Jesus is the reason for the season".
With all that disturbs us in the world, with whatever energy we have we should fight these tendencies within our families. Place God at the center of all we do. Remember the poor, the homeless, and the elderly during this time - show charity, this we are called to do during each Fast. A gift of the heart can be the easiest gift we can give and it costs us nothing but a little time.
And for the sake of our souls, please make every effort to make a confession and receive Holy Communion during the Fast. Don't wait - we eat every day. Our bodies need food, so does our soul.
With love in Christ, Father Basil
6 November / 24 October
Ikon of the Theotokos "Joy of all who sorrow"
Building Progress - Certificate of Occupancy - In mid-July our parish was granted partial occupancy of our parish center. Our first vigil and divine liturgy being held for our summer feasts commemorating the Royal Martyrs of Russia, Saint Sergius of Radonezh and Saint Elizabeth and Barbara, new martyrs.
Work continued on the building at a stepped up pace from mid-July until mid-September. We worked frantically in the eight week period in order to gain full occupancy in time for our fall festival. Thanks be to God we passed inspections from the building department, the fire department and the health departments just days before the festival. Toward the end of this period we worked on Sunday's following trapeza to prepare everything to our liking.
There is finish work remaining to be done; trim, painting and such, but that will now proceed at a more relaxed pace. Final touches are being attended to on the exterior to ready the building for winter.
Our heartfelt thanks to the members of our parish who have worked so many long and difficult hours, especially through the hot summer we had this year. We wish to note the exceptional help of a few individuals who are not even members of our parish. May God bless you all for your good works !
The parish kitchen is an exceptional space which we hope to have licensed through the health department. The licensing process will enable us to create all types of food products and sell them without applying for permits. We will be able to plan work sessions to make all kinds of delicious foods and make them readily available to our patrons.
The bookstore, dedicated to Saint Seraphim, is open to the public on Sunday's after divine services and on the first Saturday of the month during the pirogi sale. The bookstore has a modest collection of religious books (both English and Russian), baptismal crosses, religious items from Russia, ikons and hand crafted folk items.
During the winter months we hope to finish off the basement space. In our lower level we will have classrooms, a small parish library, storage for our events, a woodwork shop and utility rooms.
Construction of a Bell Tower - one of the newest patrons, hardest workers on our building, and future member of our parish is Bruce Goodsell. Bruce is by profession an attorney in the state of Rhode Island and resides in Westerly. One of his greatest loves and talents is woodworking. He has created some remarkable sculptures and Japanese styled furniture from various wood which are native to our part of the country.
Bruce has taken it upon himself, with the guidance of Father Basil, to design a bell tower for our parish. He has done preliminary research on Russian Church architecture and is ready to begin construction.
By the time of this printing the footings should be already located on the grounds and assembly taking place. Bruce fashioned a great deal of the lumber from trees saved around Westerly, in particular from the town park. The actual construction is being done by individuals from our parish under his supervision.
The bell tower will be dedicated to the Royal martyred children of St. Nicholas the tsar-martyr which is defined by the initial five bells made in Russia. In addition, three bells which were given to us by St. Nicholas Church in Stratford will also be added to the tower. These bells appear to have local historic value - they look be hand made, although we do not have complete information on their creation it is our belief that they might have been made by Sikorsky. They are quite unusual and have a somewhat minor ancient tone, while the five new bells have a crisp, clear sound.
Annual Fall Festival - the 8th Annual Fall Festival of Holy Martyrs Church was held on Saturday October 1st. It was a wonderful day, well attended, and without a doubt our best festival - ever! Thanks be to God - the day was glorious!
As always our foods were the biggest hit with those who attended. We estimate we had more people than ever pass through our doors. The response to our advertising was tremendous. We had great media coverage. We hope all our patrons had a wonderful day as we did. I speak for all when i saw we were blown away - it far exceeded our expectations.
We always meet interesting people, from all over the area (as far away as Vermont) - which proves all our "advertising" efforts pay off. We saw a nice group of people from St. Panteleimon's Church in Hartford, and some from our former parish, Saint Nicholas - this was a great surprise. We never know where our next parish member will come from. God sends us people from everywhere.
Next year's Festival will be bigger and better. Our only difficulty is finding extra hands to help us on the day. Set up will be much easier next year in our new building. The space alone will be a blessing. This, coupled with the fact that we will have a week or better to set up and no need to break everything down immediately will help spread out the work load. We hope to have some children's rides next year. We would like to get a local radio station to come to our site to broadcast on the day of the festival. We might even consider extending the festival into Sunday afternoon.......
We thank all those who helped and supported our efforts this year, for making it our most successful Fall Festival ever !
Monthly Pierogi Sales - The Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara will hold its monthly pierogi sale on Saturday, November 5, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Pierogi are available for sale through "Babushka's Kitchen". Varieties include a selection of potato and cheese, cabbage and cabbage and mushroom. The cost is $ 4.00 a dozen. During this month's sale there will also be handmade craft items, gift baskets and a small farmer's market in the dining hall.
Holy New Martyrs Bookstore opens to the public on this same day. The bookstore offers a range of hand crafted imports from Russia, Greece and Ukraine. There are religious books pertaining to the Orthodox faith, baptismal crosses and chains, ikons and other religious items. The bookstore will be open the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and also each Sunday from noon (following Divine Services) until 2 p.m.
Autumn Slavic Dinner - we will hold its annual Autumn Slavic Dinner on Sunday, November 20, 2005. Dinner will be served from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The dinner will include traditional fare; borscht, stuffed cabbage, mashed potato, kielbasa, black bread, green beans, hot apple crisp and ice cream, and beverages. The donation for adults is $10.00, children is $5.00. There will be a door prize and basket raffle.
Also, during the dinner the public is invited to visit Holy New Martyrs Bookstore which is newly stocked with imports for holiday decoration and gift giving. Proceeds benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
Please call Paul for advance reservations, the seating is limited ! - 860-859-2287.
Christmas Wreath Sale - we will hold a Christmas Wreath Sale on Saturday, November 26, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturday, December 3, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the monthly pierogi sale.
Fresh, fully decorated evergreen wreaths will be available for purchase at various prices. During the sale the bookstore will be opened by special request. Proceeds of the wreath sale will benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
Advent Orthodox Discussion Group - during the month of December we will hold a weekly discussion on "the Orthodox Faith and Holy Tradition". The program will begin with a short prayer service, then proceed onto the presentation and discussion. The group will meet on Friday December 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 2005 from 7 to 9 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. The discussion group is opened to the public and those learning more about the Eastern Orthodox Faith.
Holiday Cookie & Bake Sale - on Saturday December 17, 2005 the Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara will hold its annual Holiday Cookie and Bake Sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The usual collection of beautifully arranged cookies, holiday treats will be ready from Christmas gifts to friends and family. In additional we will have special holiday breads, Father Basil's breads, homemade bread's, pirogi and all kinds of specialty foods will be available. A fresh supply of imported items will be available for purchase, along with books and religious items in our bookstore.
Please inform family and friends, and help us to spread the word ! Thank you !
Fall & Early Winter Religious Celebrations ------
On the evening of October 31st, 1982 the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia proclaimed the glorification of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. This service recognized what we have come to rejoice in, the suffering of millions of people under the Godless regime of the Bolsheviks and their glorification in Heaven and on earth. It is ironic that on a day which has come to be known for evil and the devil in the West (Halloween) the Church has seen fit to glorify these saints. St. John Maximovich did much to combat this influence in the life of the Church.
The glorification of the New Martyrs took place on October 31 & November 1 in order to disrupt the celebration of Halloween which has become an "important" secular celebration in America and across the world. It is disturbing to see children who are now softened to the likeness of evil and horror. The devil now works on destroying souls through cunning deception by lessening people's perception of, and the delineation between good and evil.
We will honor our heavenly patrons with a Molieben held on November 1st. The molieben will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Beginning of the Nativity Fast - we wish to bring to mind to every Orthodox Christian who keeps the Old Calendar that the Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord begins on Monday November 28th. Please make every attempt to keep the time in holiness, preparing properly for the upcoming feast.
We are called upon by the Church to fast, pray and give alms. At this time of the year what better work of piety than to help those in need, that they may also be warmed by the grace of God through our genuine concern.
Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - on December 4th we commemorate the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple. Mary's parents were both very pious and elderly when Mary was born. According to Holy Tradition, when Mary was a child she was received into the Temple to be raised in prayer and service to God. She was a first-offering from her parents. By the grace of God she prospered to become the most highly venerated individual in creation - in truth, the Mother of God.
The celebration of the Feast falls on Sunday this year. We will begin with Vigil on Saturday December 3 at 6 p.m. On Sunday Divine Liturgy as usual - 9:30 a.m.
December 12 / 25 marks the Synaxis of the American Saints - while the rest of the world celebrates Christmas on December 25th those on the Orthodox Julian calendar remember the Saints of America: St. Herman, wonderworker of Alaska, Saint Juvenaly and Peter the Aleut - both new martyrs for the faith. In addition we add the name of our beloved saint, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco who is venerated by Orthodox throughout the world.
During the "Christmas" break from school the young people from the Church Abroad often attend the St. Herman's Conference. We encourage them to remain faithful against so many temptations and in their attempt to steadfastness. We are taking a collection in our parish to help the conference offset their expenses. Please be generous in your support
Peanut Butter Collection - our parish continues to collect jars of peanut butter for the needy families in our community. There is a collection basket which is located in the foyer of our building. When the basket fills up it is delivered to the soup kitchen and food bank downtown.
Please remember this small charitable effort and pick up a jar or two when shopping.
Work continued on the building at a stepped up pace from mid-July until mid-September. We worked frantically in the eight week period in order to gain full occupancy in time for our fall festival. Thanks be to God we passed inspections from the building department, the fire department and the health departments just days before the festival. Toward the end of this period we worked on Sunday's following trapeza to prepare everything to our liking.
There is finish work remaining to be done; trim, painting and such, but that will now proceed at a more relaxed pace. Final touches are being attended to on the exterior to ready the building for winter.
Our heartfelt thanks to the members of our parish who have worked so many long and difficult hours, especially through the hot summer we had this year. We wish to note the exceptional help of a few individuals who are not even members of our parish. May God bless you all for your good works !
The parish kitchen is an exceptional space which we hope to have licensed through the health department. The licensing process will enable us to create all types of food products and sell them without applying for permits. We will be able to plan work sessions to make all kinds of delicious foods and make them readily available to our patrons.
The bookstore, dedicated to Saint Seraphim, is open to the public on Sunday's after divine services and on the first Saturday of the month during the pirogi sale. The bookstore has a modest collection of religious books (both English and Russian), baptismal crosses, religious items from Russia, ikons and hand crafted folk items.
During the winter months we hope to finish off the basement space. In our lower level we will have classrooms, a small parish library, storage for our events, a woodwork shop and utility rooms.
Construction of a Bell Tower - one of the newest patrons, hardest workers on our building, and future member of our parish is Bruce Goodsell. Bruce is by profession an attorney in the state of Rhode Island and resides in Westerly. One of his greatest loves and talents is woodworking. He has created some remarkable sculptures and Japanese styled furniture from various wood which are native to our part of the country.
Bruce has taken it upon himself, with the guidance of Father Basil, to design a bell tower for our parish. He has done preliminary research on Russian Church architecture and is ready to begin construction.
By the time of this printing the footings should be already located on the grounds and assembly taking place. Bruce fashioned a great deal of the lumber from trees saved around Westerly, in particular from the town park. The actual construction is being done by individuals from our parish under his supervision.
The bell tower will be dedicated to the Royal martyred children of St. Nicholas the tsar-martyr which is defined by the initial five bells made in Russia. In addition, three bells which were given to us by St. Nicholas Church in Stratford will also be added to the tower. These bells appear to have local historic value - they look be hand made, although we do not have complete information on their creation it is our belief that they might have been made by Sikorsky. They are quite unusual and have a somewhat minor ancient tone, while the five new bells have a crisp, clear sound.
Annual Fall Festival - the 8th Annual Fall Festival of Holy Martyrs Church was held on Saturday October 1st. It was a wonderful day, well attended, and without a doubt our best festival - ever! Thanks be to God - the day was glorious!
As always our foods were the biggest hit with those who attended. We estimate we had more people than ever pass through our doors. The response to our advertising was tremendous. We had great media coverage. We hope all our patrons had a wonderful day as we did. I speak for all when i saw we were blown away - it far exceeded our expectations.
We always meet interesting people, from all over the area (as far away as Vermont) - which proves all our "advertising" efforts pay off. We saw a nice group of people from St. Panteleimon's Church in Hartford, and some from our former parish, Saint Nicholas - this was a great surprise. We never know where our next parish member will come from. God sends us people from everywhere.
Next year's Festival will be bigger and better. Our only difficulty is finding extra hands to help us on the day. Set up will be much easier next year in our new building. The space alone will be a blessing. This, coupled with the fact that we will have a week or better to set up and no need to break everything down immediately will help spread out the work load. We hope to have some children's rides next year. We would like to get a local radio station to come to our site to broadcast on the day of the festival. We might even consider extending the festival into Sunday afternoon.......
We thank all those who helped and supported our efforts this year, for making it our most successful Fall Festival ever !
Monthly Pierogi Sales - The Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara will hold its monthly pierogi sale on Saturday, November 5, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Pierogi are available for sale through "Babushka's Kitchen". Varieties include a selection of potato and cheese, cabbage and cabbage and mushroom. The cost is $ 4.00 a dozen. During this month's sale there will also be handmade craft items, gift baskets and a small farmer's market in the dining hall.
Holy New Martyrs Bookstore opens to the public on this same day. The bookstore offers a range of hand crafted imports from Russia, Greece and Ukraine. There are religious books pertaining to the Orthodox faith, baptismal crosses and chains, ikons and other religious items. The bookstore will be open the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and also each Sunday from noon (following Divine Services) until 2 p.m.
Autumn Slavic Dinner - we will hold its annual Autumn Slavic Dinner on Sunday, November 20, 2005. Dinner will be served from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The dinner will include traditional fare; borscht, stuffed cabbage, mashed potato, kielbasa, black bread, green beans, hot apple crisp and ice cream, and beverages. The donation for adults is $10.00, children is $5.00. There will be a door prize and basket raffle.
Also, during the dinner the public is invited to visit Holy New Martyrs Bookstore which is newly stocked with imports for holiday decoration and gift giving. Proceeds benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
Please call Paul for advance reservations, the seating is limited ! - 860-859-2287.
Christmas Wreath Sale - we will hold a Christmas Wreath Sale on Saturday, November 26, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturday, December 3, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the monthly pierogi sale.
Fresh, fully decorated evergreen wreaths will be available for purchase at various prices. During the sale the bookstore will be opened by special request. Proceeds of the wreath sale will benefit the beautification of Holy New Martyrs Church.
Advent Orthodox Discussion Group - during the month of December we will hold a weekly discussion on "the Orthodox Faith and Holy Tradition". The program will begin with a short prayer service, then proceed onto the presentation and discussion. The group will meet on Friday December 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 2005 from 7 to 9 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. The discussion group is opened to the public and those learning more about the Eastern Orthodox Faith.
Holiday Cookie & Bake Sale - on Saturday December 17, 2005 the Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara will hold its annual Holiday Cookie and Bake Sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The usual collection of beautifully arranged cookies, holiday treats will be ready from Christmas gifts to friends and family. In additional we will have special holiday breads, Father Basil's breads, homemade bread's, pirogi and all kinds of specialty foods will be available. A fresh supply of imported items will be available for purchase, along with books and religious items in our bookstore.
Please inform family and friends, and help us to spread the word ! Thank you !
Fall & Early Winter Religious Celebrations ------
On the evening of October 31st, 1982 the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia proclaimed the glorification of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. This service recognized what we have come to rejoice in, the suffering of millions of people under the Godless regime of the Bolsheviks and their glorification in Heaven and on earth. It is ironic that on a day which has come to be known for evil and the devil in the West (Halloween) the Church has seen fit to glorify these saints. St. John Maximovich did much to combat this influence in the life of the Church.
The glorification of the New Martyrs took place on October 31 & November 1 in order to disrupt the celebration of Halloween which has become an "important" secular celebration in America and across the world. It is disturbing to see children who are now softened to the likeness of evil and horror. The devil now works on destroying souls through cunning deception by lessening people's perception of, and the delineation between good and evil.
We will honor our heavenly patrons with a Molieben held on November 1st. The molieben will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Beginning of the Nativity Fast - we wish to bring to mind to every Orthodox Christian who keeps the Old Calendar that the Fast in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord begins on Monday November 28th. Please make every attempt to keep the time in holiness, preparing properly for the upcoming feast.
We are called upon by the Church to fast, pray and give alms. At this time of the year what better work of piety than to help those in need, that they may also be warmed by the grace of God through our genuine concern.
Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - on December 4th we commemorate the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple. Mary's parents were both very pious and elderly when Mary was born. According to Holy Tradition, when Mary was a child she was received into the Temple to be raised in prayer and service to God. She was a first-offering from her parents. By the grace of God she prospered to become the most highly venerated individual in creation - in truth, the Mother of God.
The celebration of the Feast falls on Sunday this year. We will begin with Vigil on Saturday December 3 at 6 p.m. On Sunday Divine Liturgy as usual - 9:30 a.m.
December 12 / 25 marks the Synaxis of the American Saints - while the rest of the world celebrates Christmas on December 25th those on the Orthodox Julian calendar remember the Saints of America: St. Herman, wonderworker of Alaska, Saint Juvenaly and Peter the Aleut - both new martyrs for the faith. In addition we add the name of our beloved saint, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco who is venerated by Orthodox throughout the world.
During the "Christmas" break from school the young people from the Church Abroad often attend the St. Herman's Conference. We encourage them to remain faithful against so many temptations and in their attempt to steadfastness. We are taking a collection in our parish to help the conference offset their expenses. Please be generous in your support
Peanut Butter Collection - our parish continues to collect jars of peanut butter for the needy families in our community. There is a collection basket which is located in the foyer of our building. When the basket fills up it is delivered to the soup kitchen and food bank downtown.
Please remember this small charitable effort and pick up a jar or two when shopping.

The following is a schedule of church services, educational classes and discussions, and public events being held for the late winter and early spring for Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia Church.
Any questions, please contact Father Basil by phone at: 860-892-5037, or by email at: batushka@msn.com — Thank you !
February 5 - Feast of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia - celebration begins with hours - 9:20, followed by Divine Liturgy, and Molieben. Trapeza will be a pot-luck meal shared by all. During trapeza the Church School will present a small play; The Widow Anastasia.
February 11 - Great Vespers - 6 p.m.
February 12 - Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee - Hours & Divine Liturgy - beginning at 9:20.
Trapeza, and preparation for the concert.
Concert at 4 p.m. - The Holy Myrrhbearers Women’s Choir
February 14 - Great Vespers for the feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple - 7 p.m.
February 15 - no Divine Liturgy this day
February 17 - Russian Mardi Gras Dinner - 6 to 8 p.m.
February 18 - Great Vespers - 6 p.m. followed by Parish Council meeting.
February 19 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza.
February 25 - Saturday of the Departed - Meeting of the Brotherhood - 4p.m. - Panikhida and Great Vespers - 6 p.m.
February 26 - Meatfare Sunday - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza - The last day upon which we are allowed to eat meat !
March 3 - Blini Dinner - a shared meal followed by a showing of a video on Church life. A sign-up sheet is posted at church for those who wish to participate, and bring food to share.
March 4 - Saturday of the Commemoration of the Ascetics - Vigil - 6 p.m. for Forgiveness Sunday.
March 5 - Forgiveness Sunday - Hours & Divine Liturgy, followed immediately by Forgiveness Vespers, and pot-luck dairy trapeza.
March 6 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 7 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 8 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 9 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 10 - Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow
Discussion subject for Friday evenings will be a short presentation of the various ikons of the Mother of God.
March 11 - St. Theodore Saturday -
Orthodox Dogma Class discussing the Nicene Creed - 4 p.m.
Great Vespers - 6 p.m. followed by confessions
March 12 - Sunday of Orthodoxy - Hours & Divine Liturgy, followed by molieben for the Sunday of Orthodoxy, and trapeza.
March 15 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper.
March 17 - Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
March 18 - Commemoration of the Departed -
Discussion on the Nicene Creed - 4 p.m.
Great Vespers - 6 p.m. followed by parish council meeting.
March 19 - Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas - Hours & Divine Liturgy, followed by trapeza.
March 22 - NO SERVICE THIS EVENING - Fr. Basil in Albany
March 24 -Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
March 25 - Nicene Creed discussion - 4 p.m.
Vigil with bringing out of the Cross - 6 p.m.
March 26 - Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza to follow.
March 29 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper.
March 31 -Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
April 1 - Nicene Creed discussion - 4 p.m.
Panikhida & Great Vespers - 6 p.m.
April 2 - Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza to follow.
April 5 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper.
April 6 - Vigil for the Feast of Annunciation - 6 p.m.
April 7 - Vesperal Divine Liturgy -
Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
April 8 - Nicene Creed discussion - 4 p.m.
Saturday of the Akafist & Archangel Gabriel
Great Vespers - 6 p.m. - followed by Church Council Meeting
April 9 - Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza to follow.
April 12 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper
April 14 - Matins for the Raising of Lazarus - 7 p.m.
April 15 - Lazarus Saturday - Hours & Divine Liturgy - 7:30 a.m.
Vigil for the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem - 6 p.m. April 16 - Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem
Hours & Divine Liturgy. Molieben for the founding of our parish.
Church School Salad Bar trapeza to follow.
PARISH FEAST DAY CELEBRATION - On February 4th and 5th we celebrated the feast of our parish, the New Martyrs and Confessors fo Russia. Church services were attended well on Sunday, which included new faces. Trapeza was a wonderful communal meal shared by all present, and our church school put on a play called “The widow Ananstasia”. It was a wonderful play and a wonderful day.
We pray that each year our celebration is just as joyful. May our prayers be heard. May God continue to strengthen us, and prosper us in all good things, and we pray God sends us new members to increase our parish.
HOLY MYRRHBEARERS WOMEN’S CHOIR - On Sunday February 12th we all awaited the arrival of the choir. Preparations had been made and we received excellent advertising in the papers. Unfortunately we also received on this day the biggest snow storm of the season. We regret having to cancel the concert, and hope to reschedule in the Spring following Pascha.
RUSSIAN MARDI GRAS DINNER - On Friday, February 17, 2006 we will hold on annual Russian Mardi Gras dinner. The dinner will consist of our favorite menu; borscht, stuffed cabbage, pierogi, kolbasa, black bread and more. The dinner will begin at 6 p.m.- adult tickets are $ 10.00, children are $ 5.00 (12 and under).
For more information, or to reserve tickets call: 859-2287
PROGRESS ON THE BELLTOWER - a small worker party has been working steadily on building a bell tower which will be located at the front of our building. Bruce Goodsell has spear headed the activity. He began by working out the details of the construction, finding trees that were milled for the purpose, and putting all his talents to use in this project.
Serge Riabtsev, Steve and Nick Tague have been working along side Bruce every Saturday. The progress has been amazing. By the beginning of Great Lent the tower should be in place and work commencing on the cupola.
In between this work, Bruce and crew have been working on some interior trim in the trapeza. Around the stage they have installed granite tiles and oak trim, and baseboard trim has been added to the stage area. It looks fantastic! All that now remains is painting ....
Future projects include the fabrication of three cupolas for the front portico, the construction of the center island for the kitchen, and finishing off the basement of the parish center. Anyone wishing to lend a hand and assist on any of these projects would certainly be much
BROTHERHOOD MEETING - the brotherhood of Saint Sergius of Radonezh will hold a meeting on Saturday, February 25th at 4 p.m. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss future projects and activities in the parish. As the Spring approaches there will be many projects, inside and outside.
All able-bodied men are invited and encouraged to attend.
CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT - During Great Lent we will embark on beautifying our church through the construction of an ikonostas, and the addition of ikons on the walls of our little church. Special paint treatments will be applied to the walls and ceiling.
A list of ikons, their placement around the church, and their costs are on display in the parish center. Father Stefan Sabelnik of Trenton, NJ has been working on a design for our ikonostasis. This rendering is also on display in the hall/trapeza. Work will continue slowly throughout the Spring and Summer.
BLINI DINNER - On Friday March 3rd we will hold our own Maslenitsa - a Blini dinner with all the traditional foods for the end of dairy week, and the beginning of Great Lent. It is tradition to celebrate these last few days with rich dairy foods and blini.
The dinner will begin at 6 p.m. A sign-up sheet will be placed in the trapeza for those who wish to attend. Following dinner a video tape will be shown on the renewal of church life in Russia.
LENTEN SATURDAY DISCUSSIONS - beginning on the first Saturday of Lent Gary Dipple will be teaching a class on the tenants of Orthodoxy - specifically, the Nicean Creed. The classes begin at 4 p.m. and will run through the Saturdays of Lent.
WEDNESDAY PRESANCTIFIED LITURGY - as in past years we will celebrate the liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts during Great Lent on Wednesday evenings. Following the liturgy we have shared a simple meal of soup and bread for those who attend.
Preparation for the reception of Holy Communion is as follows: the Church calls upon each person to prepare themself strictly and with great care. Confession is required before approaching the chalice, without exception, and canon law requires each Orthodox Christian to make their confession and communion during Great Lent.
It is needful to fast, say prayers/canons and attend the evening service prior to Communion. Our Synod of Bishops applies the same strictness so that we may present our self in the best manner possible to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Exceptions can be made but these are rare, mostly due to the difficulties of work life. This should be discussed with the priest. In rare cases confession can be heard before liturgy begins and even before the chalice is brought forth - but, once more, this emphasizes the need to confess before each reception of Holy Communion.
On Wednesdays at 6 p.m. the 9th hour will be read before the liturgy begins - with time for confessions. Those who wish to receive should fast for the day if possible, or at least from noon forward.
SALAD BAR BRUNCH - Each year on Palm Sunday the Church School holds a salad bar at trapeza. This is a fund raiser for the school. We ask for a $3.00 donation on this day from each person. Please help support our young people.
A REMINDER TO ALL - Our parish relies on the material support of its members to maintain our financial stability. We have two steps of financial support; the weekly pledge, and the monthly mortgage pledge.
The weekly pledge goes directly to support the priest, and some of our regular financial obligations. The monthly mortgage pledge pays one of the major loans which we obtained when we built the parish center. We rely on both to a great extent, and without them we would not exist. We never could have gotten to this point without taking great strides. With thanks to God we have a beautiful parish center.
We rely on our members to maintain these pledges without exerting unnecessary pressure or chasing anyone down for past payments. Please help us to maintain our financial stability. We ask you please, to attend to these obligations in an honorable manner. If you are in arrears, please catch up. Please contact the treasurer. If you are not a pledging member you help would be greatly appreciated.
Any questions, please contact Father Basil by phone at: 860-892-5037, or by email at: batushka@msn.com — Thank you !
February 5 - Feast of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia - celebration begins with hours - 9:20, followed by Divine Liturgy, and Molieben. Trapeza will be a pot-luck meal shared by all. During trapeza the Church School will present a small play; The Widow Anastasia.
February 11 - Great Vespers - 6 p.m.
February 12 - Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee - Hours & Divine Liturgy - beginning at 9:20.
Trapeza, and preparation for the concert.
Concert at 4 p.m. - The Holy Myrrhbearers Women’s Choir
February 14 - Great Vespers for the feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple - 7 p.m.
February 15 - no Divine Liturgy this day
February 17 - Russian Mardi Gras Dinner - 6 to 8 p.m.
February 18 - Great Vespers - 6 p.m. followed by Parish Council meeting.
February 19 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza.
February 25 - Saturday of the Departed - Meeting of the Brotherhood - 4p.m. - Panikhida and Great Vespers - 6 p.m.
February 26 - Meatfare Sunday - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza - The last day upon which we are allowed to eat meat !
March 3 - Blini Dinner - a shared meal followed by a showing of a video on Church life. A sign-up sheet is posted at church for those who wish to participate, and bring food to share.
March 4 - Saturday of the Commemoration of the Ascetics - Vigil - 6 p.m. for Forgiveness Sunday.
March 5 - Forgiveness Sunday - Hours & Divine Liturgy, followed immediately by Forgiveness Vespers, and pot-luck dairy trapeza.
March 6 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 7 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 8 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 9 - Great Compline & Canon of St. Andrew of Crete - 7 p.m.
March 10 - Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow
Discussion subject for Friday evenings will be a short presentation of the various ikons of the Mother of God.
March 11 - St. Theodore Saturday -
Orthodox Dogma Class discussing the Nicene Creed - 4 p.m.
Great Vespers - 6 p.m. followed by confessions
March 12 - Sunday of Orthodoxy - Hours & Divine Liturgy, followed by molieben for the Sunday of Orthodoxy, and trapeza.
March 15 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper.
March 17 - Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
March 18 - Commemoration of the Departed -
Discussion on the Nicene Creed - 4 p.m.
Great Vespers - 6 p.m. followed by parish council meeting.
March 19 - Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas - Hours & Divine Liturgy, followed by trapeza.
March 22 - NO SERVICE THIS EVENING - Fr. Basil in Albany
March 24 -Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
March 25 - Nicene Creed discussion - 4 p.m.
Vigil with bringing out of the Cross - 6 p.m.
March 26 - Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza to follow.
March 29 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper.
March 31 -Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
April 1 - Nicene Creed discussion - 4 p.m.
Panikhida & Great Vespers - 6 p.m.
April 2 - Sunday of Saint John of the Ladder - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza to follow.
April 5 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper.
April 6 - Vigil for the Feast of Annunciation - 6 p.m.
April 7 - Vesperal Divine Liturgy -
Small Compline & Akafist to the Mother of God - 7 p.m.
Coffee hour & discussion to follow.
April 8 - Nicene Creed discussion - 4 p.m.
Saturday of the Akafist & Archangel Gabriel
Great Vespers - 6 p.m. - followed by Church Council Meeting
April 9 - Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt - Hours & Divine Liturgy. Trapeza to follow.
April 12 - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 6 p.m.
Followed by a small lenten supper
April 14 - Matins for the Raising of Lazarus - 7 p.m.
April 15 - Lazarus Saturday - Hours & Divine Liturgy - 7:30 a.m.
Vigil for the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem - 6 p.m. April 16 - Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem
Hours & Divine Liturgy. Molieben for the founding of our parish.
Church School Salad Bar trapeza to follow.
PARISH FEAST DAY CELEBRATION - On February 4th and 5th we celebrated the feast of our parish, the New Martyrs and Confessors fo Russia. Church services were attended well on Sunday, which included new faces. Trapeza was a wonderful communal meal shared by all present, and our church school put on a play called “The widow Ananstasia”. It was a wonderful play and a wonderful day.
We pray that each year our celebration is just as joyful. May our prayers be heard. May God continue to strengthen us, and prosper us in all good things, and we pray God sends us new members to increase our parish.
HOLY MYRRHBEARERS WOMEN’S CHOIR - On Sunday February 12th we all awaited the arrival of the choir. Preparations had been made and we received excellent advertising in the papers. Unfortunately we also received on this day the biggest snow storm of the season. We regret having to cancel the concert, and hope to reschedule in the Spring following Pascha.
RUSSIAN MARDI GRAS DINNER - On Friday, February 17, 2006 we will hold on annual Russian Mardi Gras dinner. The dinner will consist of our favorite menu; borscht, stuffed cabbage, pierogi, kolbasa, black bread and more. The dinner will begin at 6 p.m.- adult tickets are $ 10.00, children are $ 5.00 (12 and under).
For more information, or to reserve tickets call: 859-2287
PROGRESS ON THE BELLTOWER - a small worker party has been working steadily on building a bell tower which will be located at the front of our building. Bruce Goodsell has spear headed the activity. He began by working out the details of the construction, finding trees that were milled for the purpose, and putting all his talents to use in this project.
Serge Riabtsev, Steve and Nick Tague have been working along side Bruce every Saturday. The progress has been amazing. By the beginning of Great Lent the tower should be in place and work commencing on the cupola.
In between this work, Bruce and crew have been working on some interior trim in the trapeza. Around the stage they have installed granite tiles and oak trim, and baseboard trim has been added to the stage area. It looks fantastic! All that now remains is painting ....
Future projects include the fabrication of three cupolas for the front portico, the construction of the center island for the kitchen, and finishing off the basement of the parish center. Anyone wishing to lend a hand and assist on any of these projects would certainly be much
BROTHERHOOD MEETING - the brotherhood of Saint Sergius of Radonezh will hold a meeting on Saturday, February 25th at 4 p.m. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss future projects and activities in the parish. As the Spring approaches there will be many projects, inside and outside.
All able-bodied men are invited and encouraged to attend.
CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT - During Great Lent we will embark on beautifying our church through the construction of an ikonostas, and the addition of ikons on the walls of our little church. Special paint treatments will be applied to the walls and ceiling.
A list of ikons, their placement around the church, and their costs are on display in the parish center. Father Stefan Sabelnik of Trenton, NJ has been working on a design for our ikonostasis. This rendering is also on display in the hall/trapeza. Work will continue slowly throughout the Spring and Summer.
BLINI DINNER - On Friday March 3rd we will hold our own Maslenitsa - a Blini dinner with all the traditional foods for the end of dairy week, and the beginning of Great Lent. It is tradition to celebrate these last few days with rich dairy foods and blini.
The dinner will begin at 6 p.m. A sign-up sheet will be placed in the trapeza for those who wish to attend. Following dinner a video tape will be shown on the renewal of church life in Russia.
LENTEN SATURDAY DISCUSSIONS - beginning on the first Saturday of Lent Gary Dipple will be teaching a class on the tenants of Orthodoxy - specifically, the Nicean Creed. The classes begin at 4 p.m. and will run through the Saturdays of Lent.
WEDNESDAY PRESANCTIFIED LITURGY - as in past years we will celebrate the liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts during Great Lent on Wednesday evenings. Following the liturgy we have shared a simple meal of soup and bread for those who attend.
Preparation for the reception of Holy Communion is as follows: the Church calls upon each person to prepare themself strictly and with great care. Confession is required before approaching the chalice, without exception, and canon law requires each Orthodox Christian to make their confession and communion during Great Lent.
It is needful to fast, say prayers/canons and attend the evening service prior to Communion. Our Synod of Bishops applies the same strictness so that we may present our self in the best manner possible to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Exceptions can be made but these are rare, mostly due to the difficulties of work life. This should be discussed with the priest. In rare cases confession can be heard before liturgy begins and even before the chalice is brought forth - but, once more, this emphasizes the need to confess before each reception of Holy Communion.
On Wednesdays at 6 p.m. the 9th hour will be read before the liturgy begins - with time for confessions. Those who wish to receive should fast for the day if possible, or at least from noon forward.
SALAD BAR BRUNCH - Each year on Palm Sunday the Church School holds a salad bar at trapeza. This is a fund raiser for the school. We ask for a $3.00 donation on this day from each person. Please help support our young people.
A REMINDER TO ALL - Our parish relies on the material support of its members to maintain our financial stability. We have two steps of financial support; the weekly pledge, and the monthly mortgage pledge.
The weekly pledge goes directly to support the priest, and some of our regular financial obligations. The monthly mortgage pledge pays one of the major loans which we obtained when we built the parish center. We rely on both to a great extent, and without them we would not exist. We never could have gotten to this point without taking great strides. With thanks to God we have a beautiful parish center.
We rely on our members to maintain these pledges without exerting unnecessary pressure or chasing anyone down for past payments. Please help us to maintain our financial stability. We ask you please, to attend to these obligations in an honorable manner. If you are in arrears, please catch up. Please contact the treasurer. If you are not a pledging member you help would be greatly appreciated.

Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings to all our parish members, friends and patrons ! The time of Pascha has quickly passed by. It seems to be even more true because of my absence from parish life. My surgery went well. My recovery is progressing at a good pace. I wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and well wishes. It is much appreciated!
The Church has now entered upon the period of Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit which enlivens and sanctifies all things. On Pentecost Sunday the church is adorned with greenery and flowers representing the Life-Giving Holy Spirit, and the Most Holy Trinity.
The summer is filled with events in Church life and activities which you will see outlined below. While it is often time for relaxation or vacations we remind everyone that we should always give thanks to God for what we have been given. Despite our time off, we still breathe and eat, live and prosper.
We are called to worship, just the same as always, on the day of the Resurrection and other feast days. The idea that Sunday alone is sufficient for prayer has somehow invaded Orthodox life through outside influences and very few find it necessary to attend evening services. Another more destructive "protestant" idea is that we can worship God anywhere and there is no need to be in church, we can simply say our prayers, or read the service at home and then go about our business. This blessing is hardly given to monastics, never mind to laymen. The devil is finding all sorts of distortions to implant in our hearts.
The Church calls us all to keep holy the Sabbath. As having met Christ and worshipped his holy Resurrection, Sunday is the day on which we gather to worship God. This has been kept since the earliest days of Christianity. It behooves us to find a church while even on vacation. As long as we can draw a breath into our lungs we should still give thanks to God.
May God be merciful to us and prosper us in our good works!
With love in Christ,
Father Basil
Greetings to all our parish members, friends and patrons ! The time of Pascha has quickly passed by. It seems to be even more true because of my absence from parish life. My surgery went well. My recovery is progressing at a good pace. I wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and well wishes. It is much appreciated!
The Church has now entered upon the period of Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit which enlivens and sanctifies all things. On Pentecost Sunday the church is adorned with greenery and flowers representing the Life-Giving Holy Spirit, and the Most Holy Trinity.
The summer is filled with events in Church life and activities which you will see outlined below. While it is often time for relaxation or vacations we remind everyone that we should always give thanks to God for what we have been given. Despite our time off, we still breathe and eat, live and prosper.
We are called to worship, just the same as always, on the day of the Resurrection and other feast days. The idea that Sunday alone is sufficient for prayer has somehow invaded Orthodox life through outside influences and very few find it necessary to attend evening services. Another more destructive "protestant" idea is that we can worship God anywhere and there is no need to be in church, we can simply say our prayers, or read the service at home and then go about our business. This blessing is hardly given to monastics, never mind to laymen. The devil is finding all sorts of distortions to implant in our hearts.
The Church calls us all to keep holy the Sabbath. As having met Christ and worshipped his holy Resurrection, Sunday is the day on which we gather to worship God. This has been kept since the earliest days of Christianity. It behooves us to find a church while even on vacation. As long as we can draw a breath into our lungs we should still give thanks to God.
May God be merciful to us and prosper us in our good works!
With love in Christ,
Father Basil
PENTECOST – the feast of the Holy Trinity, the descent of the Holy Spirit, falls on Sunday June 11th. We will begin the celebration of the feast with All-Night Vigil on Saturday evening at 6 p.m. Sunday’s celebration begins with the hours at 9:20, the Divine Liturgy, and Vespers of Pentecost with kneeling prayers.
The Sunday of Pentecost will mark Father Basil’s slow return to active parish life following his surgery in May.
From this date forward we will return to the former schedule of services as has been the custom these past few years.
The first Saturday of the month:
Panikhida and Great Vespers – 6 p.m.
The second and forth Saturdays of the month:
All Night Vigil – 6 p.m.
The third Saturday of the month:
Great Vespers and parish council meeting – 6 p.m.
3rd and 6th Hour – beginning at 9:20 a.m.
Divine Liturgy and Trapeza to follow
Weekday Feasts:
Evening service (Vigil or Vespers) – 6 p.m.
Hours and Divine Liturgy – beginning at 7:30 a.m.
HOLY NEW MARTYRS ON-LINE - We encourage, once again, all our parish members to subscribe to the on-line communications site which has been set up for the needs of our parish. For those who have internet access this will be an immediate and thorough means of communication should something arise unexpectedly, either through Father Basil, or another member of our parish (sisterhood or brotherhood).
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
After this, everything goes easily and once your subscription is complete you will receive automatic postings concerning services, events, and activities taking place at Church – or immediate changes or information should something important need to be communicated. By sending out one email it will be distributed to the entire group at once. Please I beg you, please sign on to this service today to broaden and simplify our means of communication.
ANNUAL MEETING & ELECTIONS – on Sunday June 25th following the Divine Liturgy we will hold the annual parish meeting and election of officers for the year 2006-2007. This is the only opportunity over the course of the entire year that we assembly and discuss the activities and needs of the parish. We deeply encourage as many people as possible to participate in this meeting.
To hold office or vote at the annual meeting one must be a member of the church in good standing. A member in good standing must maintain his pledges (that is, be up to date in pledges) and more importantly, must make Confession and Holy Communion annually.
FAST OF Ss. PETER & PAUL – following the Sunday of All Saints (June 18) we begin a short period of fasting in honor of Saints Peter and Paul, and all the apostles. This period recognizes the tremendous contribution made to Christianity by Our Lord’s disciples, and honors their martyric deaths.
Services will be held on Tuesday July 11th at 6 p.m. (Vigil) and on Wednesday July 12th at 7:30 a.m. (Hours and Divine Liturgy).
CELEBRATION OF THE ROYAL MARTYRS – the summer months holds a rapid succession of feasts and celebrations in the life of the Church. In July we find ourselves celebrating the Feast of Royal Martyrs, and the patron saints of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood – Saints Elizabeth and Barbara the new martyrs, and Saint Sergius of Radonezh.
This year we wish to combine all into one celebration which we will celebrate on July 22 and 23. We will serve Vigil on Saturday evening, and on Sunday the Divine Liturgy with molieben. In addition, we wish to add to the feast by holding a barbeque and shared meal, asking everyone to bring a food for the meal.
This weekend we will celebrate our first anniversary in the new building. How quickly time does fly by ! Thanks be to God for all things !
4th Of JULY WORK PARTY – in the past year during the summer holidays we held work parties at the parish center in order to complete construction. Now that we have moved in there are still some small tasks that await completion. One work party was organized for Memorial Day, we also wish to hold a work party on the 4th of July.
The work party will begin at 8 a.m. and break at 1 p.m. for lunch. We would also like to share a meal together for those who wish to stay behind. The meal will be Lenten as we are in the midst of a fast at this time. More information will be made available at church.
FEAST OF THE DORMITION – during the month of August we are engaged in a short, two week fast which honors the Most Holy Mother of God. The fast begins 14 days prior to the feast of her falling asleep, called the Dormition. Within the fast we also celebrate the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration.
The two great feasts of the summer each are held in high regard. What is most disappointing is people are often involved in summer vacations but find little time to celebrate these feast days. All great feasts are required days of church attendance.
In America we are too busy to understand the Church requires this of us. We are called upon by God Himself to celebrate His resurrection and the other feasts of the Church. Sadly, like in old communist countries, attendance to church services is reduced to Sundays at best. Many people have fallen into the protestant thinking that I can also pray on the golf course, or in the pool. This is no substitution for the Body and Blood of Christ. No one has the blessing to stay at home and pray with a prayer book and think this is the next best thing. We are after all, Orthodox Christians !
BELLTOWER NEWS – in the middle of Great Lent, for the feast of the Annunciation, we were blessed to have members of the Brotherhood under the guidance of Bruce Goodsell erect the belltower (Zvonitsa) which now stands outside the parish center. The event had wonderful coverage through the media. All the local papers had articles and photos, and we also had a brief moment of exposure on Channel 3 news in Hartford.
The belltower contains the 5 new bells forged in the Ural mountains, and three hand cast bells which were donated to us from St. Nicholas Church in Stratford. Use is slowly increasing. Soon we hope to have a lesson in bell ringing and a class announced for those who wish to know more. Within the Orthodox Church the vocation of bell ringer was worthy of a blessing from the bishop equal to tonsuring of a reader.
Work will continue on the bell tower during the summer as a roof and gable are added. The final crowning touch will be a cupola and cross for the belltower, and also three cupola and cross assemblies for the front portico. These projects will continue into the autumn and early winter.
MONTHLY PIROGI & TAG SALE – each month our parish holds a sale of pirogi, and occasionally stuffed cabbage or other baked goods, on the first Saturday of the month. Normally, the book store is also open at the same time.
In addition, during these summer months, Dick Tarryk is also holding a small tag sale of items that he has collected. The proceeds of both benefit the general operating fund of the parish.
CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION – at this writing we are preparing a plan for the construction of an ikonostasis and for the beautification of the interior of our little church. The process does not come about easily but takes great research and time in order refine a proper design, and to address the specific constraints in our church. Even after the time comes to build a separate church we wish to maintain our little church for smaller services and rites.
We have been working these past months with Father Stefan Sabelnik, a wood carver and craftsman who has made numerous iconostas, and Father Leonid of Holy Trinity Monastery on the styles and types of ikons appropriate for our church.
A separate booklet will soon be published listing the ikons we wish to have made, and the costs involved. We will be soliciting donations from both within the parish, and without.
YALE EXHIBIT – Yale University is sponsoring an exhibit called “Britannia & Muscovy” – a display of English silver at the court of the Tsars. The exhibit is held at the Yale Center for British Art, 1080 Chapel Street, New Haven. The center is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m.
PLEDGE FORMS – during the month of April new pledge letters were available through the church treasurer.
Holy New Martyrs exists using a two-level form of pledges; the first is a weekly pledge that supports some of the fixed on-going expenses of the parish and its life, day to day. The second pledge is a monthly contribution which goes solely to pay our mortgage.
Please be aware that we function on a very tight budget. This has been our first, test year since we moved into our new building just last July. This year has been one of gathering information on how we function. The annual meeting will be a time to assess this information and set goals for the coming year.
Please understand we count on everyone’s participation in the pledge system, no matter what the amount. The pledges must be maintained in good faith by all our members. Otherwise, our parish would close its doors. God has been very good to us all. Please be as generous as possible, and remain faithful in your contributions. Please return your pledge forms as soon as possible.
SISTERHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS – we wish to acknowledge and thank the Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara for its many contributions to the parish. A small group of ladies faithfully cleans the church building each week. The ladies operate the pirogi sale, and through other food sales over the year. The Sisterhood has raised funds donated in the form of products needed by the church, and it is now engaged in making additional altar covers for various celebrations of the church year.
We thank the Sisterhood for its continued support of our parish!
FALL FESTIVAL & RUSSIAN BAZAAR – the 9th Annual Fall Festival will be the largest single event of our parish, and is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 7th.
The festival is a lifesaver for our parish. The profits are immediately set aside into a special account, and are used for the fuel, utilities, and insurance for our building. And we all know what fuel costs these days. We can only expect higher prices this coming winter.
Preparations for the festival will begin with the annual meeting and continue at subsequent meetings throughout the summer. A great deal of time, effort, and talent go into this event. We count on the participation of all our members on this day, and in the days and weeks prior. Please make sure to set aside the day now and help out in some way, shape or form with the intense preparation.
AUTUMN LECTURES – over the course of the Church year we are all instructed toward self-edification, adding to our spiritual lives through prayer, reading and study. We have been fortunate to have held book studies, and study classes over this past year.
In the fall we hope to schedule two to three special lectures presented by individuals who are well known in the Orthodox world and respected. The lectures will be formatted to be instructional, to include questions and lead to discussion. Many times parishes offer lectures which are high minded and of a theological nature. Our intention will be to offer a presentation which will edify and enrich the spiritual life.
HOLY MYRRH BEARERS CONCERT – Last winter we prepared for the arrival of the Holy Myrrhbearers Women’s Choir from Nyack, NY. Unfortunately, the only major snow storm of the winter fell on that day. The choir was cancelled and we are now waiting for a reschedule date in the Fall. Please watch for further postings.
BILINGUAL DIVINE LITURGY BOOKS – a few years ago we published a small, hand held copy of the Divine Liturgy that was written out in both English and Church Slavonic. As time has passed all 200 copies have vanished. In the future we hope to republish this little volume as it was, obviously, very popular.
Holy Protection Church in Rochester, NY has published a bigger, spiral bound edition. It is beautifully done. For those who wish to obtain a copy they are now available for purchase in Holy New Martyrs Bookstore.
PARISH HANDBOOK – during the past few weeks Father Basil has been completing a small parish handbook that will cover some of the basic traditions and practices of the Russian Orthodox Church as maintained in the Church Abroad. The publication will be available to anyone who would like a copy. Most of the materials included are borrowed from various parishes and reflect the talents of many pastors and hierarchs around the globe.
PARISH INTRODUCTION TO NEW COMERS – we are also working to complete a small handout to individuals who wish to know a little bit more about Orthodoxy; our worship, beliefs, theology and the church. These will be readily available to visitors.
The Sunday of Pentecost will mark Father Basil’s slow return to active parish life following his surgery in May.
From this date forward we will return to the former schedule of services as has been the custom these past few years.
The first Saturday of the month:
Panikhida and Great Vespers – 6 p.m.
The second and forth Saturdays of the month:
All Night Vigil – 6 p.m.
The third Saturday of the month:
Great Vespers and parish council meeting – 6 p.m.
3rd and 6th Hour – beginning at 9:20 a.m.
Divine Liturgy and Trapeza to follow
Weekday Feasts:
Evening service (Vigil or Vespers) – 6 p.m.
Hours and Divine Liturgy – beginning at 7:30 a.m.
HOLY NEW MARTYRS ON-LINE - We encourage, once again, all our parish members to subscribe to the on-line communications site which has been set up for the needs of our parish. For those who have internet access this will be an immediate and thorough means of communication should something arise unexpectedly, either through Father Basil, or another member of our parish (sisterhood or brotherhood).
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
After this, everything goes easily and once your subscription is complete you will receive automatic postings concerning services, events, and activities taking place at Church – or immediate changes or information should something important need to be communicated. By sending out one email it will be distributed to the entire group at once. Please I beg you, please sign on to this service today to broaden and simplify our means of communication.
ANNUAL MEETING & ELECTIONS – on Sunday June 25th following the Divine Liturgy we will hold the annual parish meeting and election of officers for the year 2006-2007. This is the only opportunity over the course of the entire year that we assembly and discuss the activities and needs of the parish. We deeply encourage as many people as possible to participate in this meeting.
To hold office or vote at the annual meeting one must be a member of the church in good standing. A member in good standing must maintain his pledges (that is, be up to date in pledges) and more importantly, must make Confession and Holy Communion annually.
FAST OF Ss. PETER & PAUL – following the Sunday of All Saints (June 18) we begin a short period of fasting in honor of Saints Peter and Paul, and all the apostles. This period recognizes the tremendous contribution made to Christianity by Our Lord’s disciples, and honors their martyric deaths.
Services will be held on Tuesday July 11th at 6 p.m. (Vigil) and on Wednesday July 12th at 7:30 a.m. (Hours and Divine Liturgy).
CELEBRATION OF THE ROYAL MARTYRS – the summer months holds a rapid succession of feasts and celebrations in the life of the Church. In July we find ourselves celebrating the Feast of Royal Martyrs, and the patron saints of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood – Saints Elizabeth and Barbara the new martyrs, and Saint Sergius of Radonezh.
This year we wish to combine all into one celebration which we will celebrate on July 22 and 23. We will serve Vigil on Saturday evening, and on Sunday the Divine Liturgy with molieben. In addition, we wish to add to the feast by holding a barbeque and shared meal, asking everyone to bring a food for the meal.
This weekend we will celebrate our first anniversary in the new building. How quickly time does fly by ! Thanks be to God for all things !
4th Of JULY WORK PARTY – in the past year during the summer holidays we held work parties at the parish center in order to complete construction. Now that we have moved in there are still some small tasks that await completion. One work party was organized for Memorial Day, we also wish to hold a work party on the 4th of July.
The work party will begin at 8 a.m. and break at 1 p.m. for lunch. We would also like to share a meal together for those who wish to stay behind. The meal will be Lenten as we are in the midst of a fast at this time. More information will be made available at church.
FEAST OF THE DORMITION – during the month of August we are engaged in a short, two week fast which honors the Most Holy Mother of God. The fast begins 14 days prior to the feast of her falling asleep, called the Dormition. Within the fast we also celebrate the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration.
The two great feasts of the summer each are held in high regard. What is most disappointing is people are often involved in summer vacations but find little time to celebrate these feast days. All great feasts are required days of church attendance.
In America we are too busy to understand the Church requires this of us. We are called upon by God Himself to celebrate His resurrection and the other feasts of the Church. Sadly, like in old communist countries, attendance to church services is reduced to Sundays at best. Many people have fallen into the protestant thinking that I can also pray on the golf course, or in the pool. This is no substitution for the Body and Blood of Christ. No one has the blessing to stay at home and pray with a prayer book and think this is the next best thing. We are after all, Orthodox Christians !
BELLTOWER NEWS – in the middle of Great Lent, for the feast of the Annunciation, we were blessed to have members of the Brotherhood under the guidance of Bruce Goodsell erect the belltower (Zvonitsa) which now stands outside the parish center. The event had wonderful coverage through the media. All the local papers had articles and photos, and we also had a brief moment of exposure on Channel 3 news in Hartford.
The belltower contains the 5 new bells forged in the Ural mountains, and three hand cast bells which were donated to us from St. Nicholas Church in Stratford. Use is slowly increasing. Soon we hope to have a lesson in bell ringing and a class announced for those who wish to know more. Within the Orthodox Church the vocation of bell ringer was worthy of a blessing from the bishop equal to tonsuring of a reader.
Work will continue on the bell tower during the summer as a roof and gable are added. The final crowning touch will be a cupola and cross for the belltower, and also three cupola and cross assemblies for the front portico. These projects will continue into the autumn and early winter.
MONTHLY PIROGI & TAG SALE – each month our parish holds a sale of pirogi, and occasionally stuffed cabbage or other baked goods, on the first Saturday of the month. Normally, the book store is also open at the same time.
In addition, during these summer months, Dick Tarryk is also holding a small tag sale of items that he has collected. The proceeds of both benefit the general operating fund of the parish.
CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION – at this writing we are preparing a plan for the construction of an ikonostasis and for the beautification of the interior of our little church. The process does not come about easily but takes great research and time in order refine a proper design, and to address the specific constraints in our church. Even after the time comes to build a separate church we wish to maintain our little church for smaller services and rites.
We have been working these past months with Father Stefan Sabelnik, a wood carver and craftsman who has made numerous iconostas, and Father Leonid of Holy Trinity Monastery on the styles and types of ikons appropriate for our church.
A separate booklet will soon be published listing the ikons we wish to have made, and the costs involved. We will be soliciting donations from both within the parish, and without.
YALE EXHIBIT – Yale University is sponsoring an exhibit called “Britannia & Muscovy” – a display of English silver at the court of the Tsars. The exhibit is held at the Yale Center for British Art, 1080 Chapel Street, New Haven. The center is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m.
PLEDGE FORMS – during the month of April new pledge letters were available through the church treasurer.
Holy New Martyrs exists using a two-level form of pledges; the first is a weekly pledge that supports some of the fixed on-going expenses of the parish and its life, day to day. The second pledge is a monthly contribution which goes solely to pay our mortgage.
Please be aware that we function on a very tight budget. This has been our first, test year since we moved into our new building just last July. This year has been one of gathering information on how we function. The annual meeting will be a time to assess this information and set goals for the coming year.
Please understand we count on everyone’s participation in the pledge system, no matter what the amount. The pledges must be maintained in good faith by all our members. Otherwise, our parish would close its doors. God has been very good to us all. Please be as generous as possible, and remain faithful in your contributions. Please return your pledge forms as soon as possible.
SISTERHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS – we wish to acknowledge and thank the Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara for its many contributions to the parish. A small group of ladies faithfully cleans the church building each week. The ladies operate the pirogi sale, and through other food sales over the year. The Sisterhood has raised funds donated in the form of products needed by the church, and it is now engaged in making additional altar covers for various celebrations of the church year.
We thank the Sisterhood for its continued support of our parish!
FALL FESTIVAL & RUSSIAN BAZAAR – the 9th Annual Fall Festival will be the largest single event of our parish, and is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 7th.
The festival is a lifesaver for our parish. The profits are immediately set aside into a special account, and are used for the fuel, utilities, and insurance for our building. And we all know what fuel costs these days. We can only expect higher prices this coming winter.
Preparations for the festival will begin with the annual meeting and continue at subsequent meetings throughout the summer. A great deal of time, effort, and talent go into this event. We count on the participation of all our members on this day, and in the days and weeks prior. Please make sure to set aside the day now and help out in some way, shape or form with the intense preparation.
AUTUMN LECTURES – over the course of the Church year we are all instructed toward self-edification, adding to our spiritual lives through prayer, reading and study. We have been fortunate to have held book studies, and study classes over this past year.
In the fall we hope to schedule two to three special lectures presented by individuals who are well known in the Orthodox world and respected. The lectures will be formatted to be instructional, to include questions and lead to discussion. Many times parishes offer lectures which are high minded and of a theological nature. Our intention will be to offer a presentation which will edify and enrich the spiritual life.
HOLY MYRRH BEARERS CONCERT – Last winter we prepared for the arrival of the Holy Myrrhbearers Women’s Choir from Nyack, NY. Unfortunately, the only major snow storm of the winter fell on that day. The choir was cancelled and we are now waiting for a reschedule date in the Fall. Please watch for further postings.
BILINGUAL DIVINE LITURGY BOOKS – a few years ago we published a small, hand held copy of the Divine Liturgy that was written out in both English and Church Slavonic. As time has passed all 200 copies have vanished. In the future we hope to republish this little volume as it was, obviously, very popular.
Holy Protection Church in Rochester, NY has published a bigger, spiral bound edition. It is beautifully done. For those who wish to obtain a copy they are now available for purchase in Holy New Martyrs Bookstore.
PARISH HANDBOOK – during the past few weeks Father Basil has been completing a small parish handbook that will cover some of the basic traditions and practices of the Russian Orthodox Church as maintained in the Church Abroad. The publication will be available to anyone who would like a copy. Most of the materials included are borrowed from various parishes and reflect the talents of many pastors and hierarchs around the globe.
PARISH INTRODUCTION TO NEW COMERS – we are also working to complete a small handout to individuals who wish to know a little bit more about Orthodoxy; our worship, beliefs, theology and the church. These will be readily available to visitors.

Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings to all our parish members, friends and patrons! The time of Pascha has quickly passed by. It seems to be even more true because of my absence from parish life. My surgery went well. My recovery is progressing at a good pace. I wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and well wishes. It is much appreciated!
The Church has now entered upon the period of Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit which enlivens and sanctifies all things. On Pentecost Sunday the church is adorned with greenery and flowers representing the Life-Giving Holy Spirit, and the Most Holy Trinity.
The summer is filled with events in Church life and activities which you will see outlined below. While it is often time for relaxation or vacations we remind everyone that we should always give thanks to God for what we have been given. Despite our time off, we still breathe and eat, live and prosper.
We are called to worship, just the same as always, on the day of the Resurrection and other feast days. The idea that Sunday alone is sufficient for prayer has somehow invaded Orthodox life through outside influences and very few find it necessary to attend evening services. Another more destructive "protestant" idea is that we can worship God anywhere and there is no need to be in church, we can simply say our prayers, or read the service at home and then go about our business. This blessing is hardly given to monastics, never mind to laymen. The devil is finding all sorts of distortions to implant in our hearts.
The Church calls us all to keep holy the Sabbath. As having met Christ and worshipped his holy Resurrection, Sunday is the day on which we gather to worship God. This has been kept since the earliest days of Christianity. It behooves us to find a church while even on vacation. As long as we can draw a breath into our lungs we should still give thanks to God.
May God be merciful to us and prosper us in our good works!
With love in Christ,
Father Basil
Greetings to all our parish members, friends and patrons! The time of Pascha has quickly passed by. It seems to be even more true because of my absence from parish life. My surgery went well. My recovery is progressing at a good pace. I wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and well wishes. It is much appreciated!
The Church has now entered upon the period of Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit which enlivens and sanctifies all things. On Pentecost Sunday the church is adorned with greenery and flowers representing the Life-Giving Holy Spirit, and the Most Holy Trinity.
The summer is filled with events in Church life and activities which you will see outlined below. While it is often time for relaxation or vacations we remind everyone that we should always give thanks to God for what we have been given. Despite our time off, we still breathe and eat, live and prosper.
We are called to worship, just the same as always, on the day of the Resurrection and other feast days. The idea that Sunday alone is sufficient for prayer has somehow invaded Orthodox life through outside influences and very few find it necessary to attend evening services. Another more destructive "protestant" idea is that we can worship God anywhere and there is no need to be in church, we can simply say our prayers, or read the service at home and then go about our business. This blessing is hardly given to monastics, never mind to laymen. The devil is finding all sorts of distortions to implant in our hearts.
The Church calls us all to keep holy the Sabbath. As having met Christ and worshipped his holy Resurrection, Sunday is the day on which we gather to worship God. This has been kept since the earliest days of Christianity. It behooves us to find a church while even on vacation. As long as we can draw a breath into our lungs we should still give thanks to God.
May God be merciful to us and prosper us in our good works!
With love in Christ,
Father Basil

Dear Brothers in service to Our Lord, Christ is in our midst!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am writing to share this news with you. On Friday July 8, 2005 we were granted a certificate of occupancy and took up residence in our new building! Our new address:
On Sunday, July 17th we celebrated our first Divine Liturgy in our new building. Services for the feast day of the Royal Martyrs of Russia which was most timely since we count this as our summer feast. We also marked the joint celebration of our Sisterhood, Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, and our brotherhood, Saint Sergius of Radonezh. Our parish is the only Orthodox Church in eastern Connecticut which maintains use of the Julian Calendar.
The new parish center includes a large trapeza and kitchen, bathrooms, a bookstore, and small church. The lower level, when completed, will house storage rooms, a workshop (for fabrication of wood items and printing, a service kitchen, classrooms and library.
These are first photos taken following the liturgy on Sunday July 17, 2005. More photos and information concerning our parish life and activities will be forthcoming.
There are many small tasks yet to be completed. The "chapel" which is dedicated to the Reigning Ikon of the Mother of God will serve as our parish church until a separate church is constructed. This will not be for some time to come.
We thank the many friends, patrons and faithful who have contributed to our community by your prayers and financial gifts. Please remember us in your prayers.
With love in Christ,
Very Rev. Father Basil Grisel
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am writing to share this news with you. On Friday July 8, 2005 we were granted a certificate of occupancy and took up residence in our new building! Our new address:
The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
364 Canterbury Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360
(860) 822-6688 or 860-892-5037
364 Canterbury Turnpike, Norwich, CT 06360
(860) 822-6688 or 860-892-5037
On Sunday, July 17th we celebrated our first Divine Liturgy in our new building. Services for the feast day of the Royal Martyrs of Russia which was most timely since we count this as our summer feast. We also marked the joint celebration of our Sisterhood, Saints Elizabeth and Barbara, and our brotherhood, Saint Sergius of Radonezh. Our parish is the only Orthodox Church in eastern Connecticut which maintains use of the Julian Calendar.
The new parish center includes a large trapeza and kitchen, bathrooms, a bookstore, and small church. The lower level, when completed, will house storage rooms, a workshop (for fabrication of wood items and printing, a service kitchen, classrooms and library.
These are first photos taken following the liturgy on Sunday July 17, 2005. More photos and information concerning our parish life and activities will be forthcoming.
There are many small tasks yet to be completed. The "chapel" which is dedicated to the Reigning Ikon of the Mother of God will serve as our parish church until a separate church is constructed. This will not be for some time to come.
We thank the many friends, patrons and faithful who have contributed to our community by your prayers and financial gifts. Please remember us in your prayers.
With love in Christ,
Very Rev. Father Basil Grisel

On Saturday, January 14, on the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord
and St. Basil the Great, our parish was honored by an archpastoral visit of our beloved Metropolitan Hilarion, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church
Abroad, MORE...
Additional photos can be found on the Diocese website at this link: http://eadiocese.org/News/2012/jan/norwich.en.htm
Additional photos can be found on the Diocese website at this link: http://eadiocese.org/News/2012/jan/norwich.en.htm

Greetings to all our parish members, friends and patrons ! The summer has quickly passed by us and we are about to open a new Church year on September 14 (new style). The liturgical year begins with the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God, yet how appropriate as the year ended with her blessed repose. May the Most Holy Virgin guide and protect us in the year to come !
Our ancestors lived their lives according to the seasons and the Church year. Just a few decades ago, life was still lived in accord to the fasts and feast days. After coming to America most families striving to survive and prosper fell out of this rhythm of life. Life has become a fast paced, agnostic plunge into secularism. The Church hardly influences a person’s life, and on the whole people no longer pray regularly. For the most part an ill formed idea of Orthodox life has grown out of Protestantism, thinking – I can fulfill my obligations to God by doing a good deed, by making an effort to do some good work which will satisfy my requirements for going to church and attending the sacraments.
As noted in a recent sermon of mine, while people love to romanticize the pious church life of their parents and grandparents with the same breath they turn away from the church and seek answers to life’s problems elsewhere. We either plan elaborate vacations where we can unwind and run away from everyday life, or we are experimenting with new age remedies such as meditations, yoga, reiki, and other eastern philosophies. Who among us has recently planned their life’s activities with a Church calendar in hand ? Who has taken the time to plan to be in church for a feast days and arranged time off from work to do so ? Some people have planned activities in the middle of a Fast without even blinking an eye ? And still, we expect God to hear our every prayer and answer them completely.
Let us begin this new church year with a new attitude toward God and church life. Life is too short and we will meet God face to face soon enough. Our parish is prospering and growing physically. We need to maintain our spiritual life at the same time and retreat from the moral and spiritual decline we see around us. Let us try our best to stay close to God and the Church, maintain our spiritual life by increasing our prayer life and sacramental life in this new year.
May God be merciful to us and prosper us in our good works !
The first Saturday of the month:
Panikhida and Great Vespers – 6 p.m.
The second and forth Saturdays of the month:
All Night Vigil – 6 p.m.
The third Saturday of the month:
Great Vespers and parish council meeting – 6 p.m.
Sundays: 3rd and 6th Hour – beginning at 9:20 a.m.
Divine Liturgy and Trapeza to follow
Weekday Feasts:
Evening service (Vigil or Vespers) – 6 p.m.
Hours and Divine Liturgy – beginning at 7:30 a.m. unless otherwise announced
Church School Classes:
Held during Trapeza, beginning in October
HOLY NEW MARTYRS ON-LINE - We encourage all our parish members to subscribe to the on-line communications site which has been set up for the needs of our parish. For those who have internet access this will be an immediate and thorough means of communication should something arise unexpectedly, either through Father Basil, or another member of our parish (sisterhood or brotherhood).
To subscribe to the group, send an email to:
Our group site is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/holynewmartyrs/
After this, everything should go easily. Once your subscription is complete you will receive automatic postings concerning services, events, and activities taking place at Church – or immediate changes or information should something important need to be communicated. Please forgive me, in the previous newsletter the wrong email address was posted.
NEW PARISH MEMBERS – our parish has seen a sharp increase in its membership over this past year. We have three new families who have joined at this writing. This has dramatically increased the number of children in our church as well. It has been a while since we have heard so many children in church. We thank God for this. It is the future of the parish being revealed before our eyes.
We wish to welcome Larisa & Michael Colantonio, their daughter Sophia and the twins Noah & Vera, they live in Moosup. Derek (Makarios) & Tanja Akiwumi and their daughters Marianna & Elena, who live in Windsor, CT. We welcome Gregory & Jennifer De Pardo, and their daughters Madeline, Rachel and Sophia. The De Pardo’s are expecting a son to be born at the end of the year. They live in Cranston, RI.
We are also very happy to announce that Bruce Goodsell was received into the Holy Orthodox Faith on the Feast of the Transfiguration. Bruce has been a supporting member of our parish since almost the first day he entered the dusty doors of the Grange last Pascha. Bruce took the name Herman (German, soft "g" for the Russian pronunciation) after Saint Herman of Alaska. We wish him many, many years ! Bruce is a longtime member of Westerly and a respected figure in the southern RI communities.
God has been very good to us by adding to our numbers and showing us the future is bright for our parish. We need to remain strong in our faith, steadfast in our witness to our little corner of the world. It is obvious God intends to spread our name broadly. Pray we remain worthy and see our church built someday soon to the glory of the New Martyrs.
LABOR DAY WORK PARTY – during the summer holidays we held work parties at the parish center in order to complete various tasks. Now that we have moved in there are still some small tasks that await completion, especially with the Fall Festival in October.
A work party is being called for Labor Day, Monday September 4th.
The work party will begin at 8 a.m. and break at 1 p.m. for lunch. Please join us on this day. The greater the hands, the quicker the jobs are completed ! Thank you !
FALL FESTIVAL WORK PARTY – a Fall Festival work Party will be called for Sunday September 24th following Divine Liturgy and Trapeza. We hope to complete some needed tasks well before the festival and tidy up the grounds. Please join us on this day as well !
the 9th Annual Fall Festival will be the largest single event of our parish, and is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 7th.
The festival is a lifesaver for our parish. The profits are immediately set aside into a special account, and are used for the fuel, utilities, and insurance for our building. And we all know what fuel costs these days. We can only expect higher prices this coming winter.
Preparations for the festival have been underway since the annual meeting. A great deal of time, effort, and talent go into this event. We count on the participation of all our members on this day, and in the days and weeks prior. Please make sure to set aside the day now and help out in some way, shape or form with the intense preparation. We need the hands and participation of every member of our parish, and even friends or relatives !
Sign-up sheets have been posted on the bulletin board in the trapeza
for work assignments on the day of the festival and for items still needed.
FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD – the first feast held according to the Church calendar is the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. Our services for the feast will begin on Wednesday, September 20th at 6 p.m. Divine Liturgy on Thursday, September 21st will begin with hours at 7:30 a.m.
ALBANY PILGRIMAGE – it is our hope to make a pilgrimage this year to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Albany. This is the newly constructed church of our deacon’s father, Mitered Archpriest Vsevolod Drobot. Metropolitan Laurus will be present for the celebration on Sunday, September 17th. We would like to take a group of people to Albany for this celebration. Seeing that our Fall Festival comes three weeks later we thought this might not conflict to greatly with these plans.
A sign up list will be circulated at church for those who might wish to make this trip. If the numbers are great enough, we might rent a van for this purpose.
FEAST OF THE ELEVATION OF THE CROSS – the feast of the Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross falls shortly after the Nativity of the Virgin. On Tuesday, September 26th we will serve Vigil for the Feast, and Divine Liturgy will be served on Wednesday beginning with hours at 7:30 a.m. This day is kept as a strict fast day.
NOVEMBER RETREAT / AUTUMN LECTURES – over the course of the Church year we are all instructed toward self-edification and education in the Faith, adding to our spiritual lives through prayer, reading and study. We have been fortunate to have held book studies, and classes over this past year.
In November we will sponsor a two-day retreat. The lectures and discussions will be conducted by a well-known Orthodox layman, Mr. George Gabriel.
The retreat will begin on Friday evening, November 17th at 7 p.m. with an opening lecture. Refreshments will be served during the discussion. On Saturday, November 18th the retreat will continue beginning with refreshments at 8:30 a.m. the lecture will begin at 9 a.m. We will break at noon, lunch at 12:30 and resume at 1:30 p.m. for our final period of discussion, questions and answers. We will close at 3:30 p.m. with a prayer of thanksgiving.
The retreat is open to all Orthodox Christians. We are asking for a small donation of $ 10.00 per person to cover expenses.
ST. PETERSBURG MALE CHOIR – on Sunday December 3rd our parish will host the Saint Petersburg Russian Male Chamber Choir. The choir consists of four talented men who are touring the northeast. The choir will perform a collection of Russian Orthodox hymns and traditional folk songs. The concert will begin at 4 p.m.
We will open the concert to the public and hope for a large turn out. The ticket price will be $ 10.00 per person. Proceeds will pay for the choir and profits will benefit the Church Beautification Fund. We will be asking for help providing refreshments on that day.
Because the 3rd of December is the eve of the Feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple we will serve Great Vespers directly after the Divine Liturgy.
CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION – at this writing progress on the beautification of the interior of our little church is off to a very good start. Over 300 letters went out in the mail to our friends and patrons. Plans for the construction of the ikonostasis are being completed and the actual construction will begin in late October.
The interior of the church has received a special base coat of paint and decorative details will be added in time. New ikons are being installed and the overall appearance is changing drastically. How beautiful our little church will be – like a small part of heaven !
A booklet has been published listing the ikons we wish to have made, and the costs involved. We have a number of ikons which remain un-pledged which are crucial to the interior design. Please note the separate list which is attached to the newsletter and make a contribution if you have not done so already. Thank you !
MONTHLY PIROGI & TAG SALE – each month our parish holds a sale of pirogi, and occasionally stuffed cabbage, borscht or other baked goods, on the first Saturday of the month. Normally, the book store is also open at the same time.
In addition, in the month of November, Dick Tarryk is also holding a small tag sale of items that he has collected. This will be the last tag sale of the year. We thank Dick for his continuing efforts to provide support to the parish, and to the Sisterhood who operates the food sale. The proceeds of both benefit the general operating fund of the parish.
BROTHERHOOD ACTIVITY – Father Basil has appointed Gary Dippel to assume the head of the brotherhood, on the recommendation of Paul Przybylski, outgoing president. Paul already has many tasks before him within the parish including the decoration of the church and ikonostasis.
As the parish grows Gary will begin to organize a more cohesive and active group of core members. We hope the Brotherhood of St. Sergius will take up an active role in many aspects of parish life. Already individual members help and support the church as we have been witness to many changes in our building and the maintenance of our property.
SISTERHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS – we wish to acknowledge and thank the Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara for its many contributions to the parish. A small group of ladies faithfully cleans the church building each week. The ladies operate the pirogi sale, and through other food sales over the year. The Sisterhood has raised funds donated in the form of products needed by the church, such as the two new dishwashers in the kitchen. It is now engaged in making additional altar covers for various celebrations of the church year.
We thank the Sisterhood for its continued support of our parish !
PARISH HANDBOOK – a parish handbook that includes some of the basic traditions and practices of the Russian Orthodox Church as maintained in the Church Abroad has been completed by Father Basil. The publication should soon be in print and will be available to anyone who would like a copy. In the meantime, anyone wishing to read the material on-line can check out its addition to our website.
PARISH INTRODUCTION TO NEW COMERS – we are also working to complete a small handout to individuals who wish to know a little bit more about Orthodoxy; our worship, beliefs, theology and the church. These will be readily available to visitors and we hope to have this in print in time for the Fall Festival.
BILINGUAL DIVINE LITURGY BOOKS – a few years ago we published a small, hand held copy of the Divine Liturgy that was written out in both English and Church Slavonic. As time has passed all 200 copies have vanished. In the future we hope to republish this little volume as it was, obviously, very popular.
Holy Protection Church in Rochester, NY has published a bigger, spiral bound edition. It is beautifully done. For those who wish to obtain a copy they are now available for purchase in Holy New Martyrs Bookstore. They are $ 20.00 each.
Monthly Food Sale – Labor Day weekend – Sept. 2
Labor Day Work Party – Monday, Sept. 4th
Pilgrimage to Albany – Nativity of the Virgin – Sept. 17
Brotherhood Grounds Clean-up day – Sunday, Sept. 24
Festival workshops & food prep continues
Festival set-up day – Sat/Sun. 9/30-10/1
Annual Fall Festival & Russian Bazaar – Oct. 7th
Church School star watch & bonfire – October 27-28
Monthly Food Sale / Tag Sale / Luncheon – Nov. 4
Autumn Slavic Dinner – Nov. 12
Weekend Retreat – George Gabriel – Nov. 17 & 18
Christmas Wreath Sale – Nov. 25
Monthly Food Sale/Wreath Sale/ Luncheon – Dec. 2
St. Petersburg Men’s Concert – Sunday Nov. 3
Christmas Cookie / Bake Sale – Saturday Dec. 23
Ikon of the New Martyrs of Russia - $ 500
Ikon of the Good Thief - $ 325 (one of the deacon’s doors)
Ikon of the Most Holy Trinity ---- $ 675
Medallion of the Holy Trinity - $ 425
(over the altar table)
Ikon of the Protection of
the Mother of God - $ 250
Znameny Ikon of the Mother of God – $ 425
(this ikon has already been placed on the ceiling at the back of the church as an example to the congregation)
Ikon of St. Job of Pochaev - $ 250
Ikon mural of Ss. Elizabeth & Barbara – $ 425
Kiot of St. Barbara, great martyr --- $ 225
Ikon of the Holy Myrrh Bearers - $ 275
Ikon of the Three Holy Hierarchs - $ 425 (or All Saints of America)
Ikon mural of Our Lord Jesus Christ "Lord of Creation" - $ 450
Kiot of St. Edward, king & martyr - $ 225
Ikon mural of the Mother of God - $ 450 "All creation rejoices in thee"
Ikon of Ss. Kyril & Methodii - $ 225
Ikon of St. Ephraim the Syrian - $ 150
Ikon of St. Elias the prophet - $ 150
Large, triptych ikon / mural - "All Saints of Russia" - $ 1000
( this ikon is 7 feet long )
Ikon mural of Holy Hierarchs of Moscow - $ 425
Ikon of NM Joseph, Met. of Petrograd – $ 200
Ikon and kiot of Saint Olga - $ 200
of Saint Vladimir - $ 200
of Saints Constantine & Helen - $ 200
Ikon of Saints Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda & Lubov - $ 200
Hand carved kiot for ikon of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia ------- $ 3000 (entry hall)
Construction of the Ikonostas ---- $ 2000
(needed for materials; wood, carving, etc.)
Our ancestors lived their lives according to the seasons and the Church year. Just a few decades ago, life was still lived in accord to the fasts and feast days. After coming to America most families striving to survive and prosper fell out of this rhythm of life. Life has become a fast paced, agnostic plunge into secularism. The Church hardly influences a person’s life, and on the whole people no longer pray regularly. For the most part an ill formed idea of Orthodox life has grown out of Protestantism, thinking – I can fulfill my obligations to God by doing a good deed, by making an effort to do some good work which will satisfy my requirements for going to church and attending the sacraments.
As noted in a recent sermon of mine, while people love to romanticize the pious church life of their parents and grandparents with the same breath they turn away from the church and seek answers to life’s problems elsewhere. We either plan elaborate vacations where we can unwind and run away from everyday life, or we are experimenting with new age remedies such as meditations, yoga, reiki, and other eastern philosophies. Who among us has recently planned their life’s activities with a Church calendar in hand ? Who has taken the time to plan to be in church for a feast days and arranged time off from work to do so ? Some people have planned activities in the middle of a Fast without even blinking an eye ? And still, we expect God to hear our every prayer and answer them completely.
Let us begin this new church year with a new attitude toward God and church life. Life is too short and we will meet God face to face soon enough. Our parish is prospering and growing physically. We need to maintain our spiritual life at the same time and retreat from the moral and spiritual decline we see around us. Let us try our best to stay close to God and the Church, maintain our spiritual life by increasing our prayer life and sacramental life in this new year.
May God be merciful to us and prosper us in our good works !
The first Saturday of the month:
Panikhida and Great Vespers – 6 p.m.
The second and forth Saturdays of the month:
All Night Vigil – 6 p.m.
The third Saturday of the month:
Great Vespers and parish council meeting – 6 p.m.
Sundays: 3rd and 6th Hour – beginning at 9:20 a.m.
Divine Liturgy and Trapeza to follow
Weekday Feasts:
Evening service (Vigil or Vespers) – 6 p.m.
Hours and Divine Liturgy – beginning at 7:30 a.m. unless otherwise announced
Church School Classes:
Held during Trapeza, beginning in October
HOLY NEW MARTYRS ON-LINE - We encourage all our parish members to subscribe to the on-line communications site which has been set up for the needs of our parish. For those who have internet access this will be an immediate and thorough means of communication should something arise unexpectedly, either through Father Basil, or another member of our parish (sisterhood or brotherhood).
To subscribe to the group, send an email to:
Our group site is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/holynewmartyrs/
After this, everything should go easily. Once your subscription is complete you will receive automatic postings concerning services, events, and activities taking place at Church – or immediate changes or information should something important need to be communicated. Please forgive me, in the previous newsletter the wrong email address was posted.
NEW PARISH MEMBERS – our parish has seen a sharp increase in its membership over this past year. We have three new families who have joined at this writing. This has dramatically increased the number of children in our church as well. It has been a while since we have heard so many children in church. We thank God for this. It is the future of the parish being revealed before our eyes.
We wish to welcome Larisa & Michael Colantonio, their daughter Sophia and the twins Noah & Vera, they live in Moosup. Derek (Makarios) & Tanja Akiwumi and their daughters Marianna & Elena, who live in Windsor, CT. We welcome Gregory & Jennifer De Pardo, and their daughters Madeline, Rachel and Sophia. The De Pardo’s are expecting a son to be born at the end of the year. They live in Cranston, RI.
We are also very happy to announce that Bruce Goodsell was received into the Holy Orthodox Faith on the Feast of the Transfiguration. Bruce has been a supporting member of our parish since almost the first day he entered the dusty doors of the Grange last Pascha. Bruce took the name Herman (German, soft "g" for the Russian pronunciation) after Saint Herman of Alaska. We wish him many, many years ! Bruce is a longtime member of Westerly and a respected figure in the southern RI communities.
God has been very good to us by adding to our numbers and showing us the future is bright for our parish. We need to remain strong in our faith, steadfast in our witness to our little corner of the world. It is obvious God intends to spread our name broadly. Pray we remain worthy and see our church built someday soon to the glory of the New Martyrs.
LABOR DAY WORK PARTY – during the summer holidays we held work parties at the parish center in order to complete various tasks. Now that we have moved in there are still some small tasks that await completion, especially with the Fall Festival in October.
A work party is being called for Labor Day, Monday September 4th.
The work party will begin at 8 a.m. and break at 1 p.m. for lunch. Please join us on this day. The greater the hands, the quicker the jobs are completed ! Thank you !
FALL FESTIVAL WORK PARTY – a Fall Festival work Party will be called for Sunday September 24th following Divine Liturgy and Trapeza. We hope to complete some needed tasks well before the festival and tidy up the grounds. Please join us on this day as well !
the 9th Annual Fall Festival will be the largest single event of our parish, and is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 7th.
The festival is a lifesaver for our parish. The profits are immediately set aside into a special account, and are used for the fuel, utilities, and insurance for our building. And we all know what fuel costs these days. We can only expect higher prices this coming winter.
Preparations for the festival have been underway since the annual meeting. A great deal of time, effort, and talent go into this event. We count on the participation of all our members on this day, and in the days and weeks prior. Please make sure to set aside the day now and help out in some way, shape or form with the intense preparation. We need the hands and participation of every member of our parish, and even friends or relatives !
Sign-up sheets have been posted on the bulletin board in the trapeza
for work assignments on the day of the festival and for items still needed.
FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD – the first feast held according to the Church calendar is the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. Our services for the feast will begin on Wednesday, September 20th at 6 p.m. Divine Liturgy on Thursday, September 21st will begin with hours at 7:30 a.m.
ALBANY PILGRIMAGE – it is our hope to make a pilgrimage this year to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Albany. This is the newly constructed church of our deacon’s father, Mitered Archpriest Vsevolod Drobot. Metropolitan Laurus will be present for the celebration on Sunday, September 17th. We would like to take a group of people to Albany for this celebration. Seeing that our Fall Festival comes three weeks later we thought this might not conflict to greatly with these plans.
A sign up list will be circulated at church for those who might wish to make this trip. If the numbers are great enough, we might rent a van for this purpose.
FEAST OF THE ELEVATION OF THE CROSS – the feast of the Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross falls shortly after the Nativity of the Virgin. On Tuesday, September 26th we will serve Vigil for the Feast, and Divine Liturgy will be served on Wednesday beginning with hours at 7:30 a.m. This day is kept as a strict fast day.
NOVEMBER RETREAT / AUTUMN LECTURES – over the course of the Church year we are all instructed toward self-edification and education in the Faith, adding to our spiritual lives through prayer, reading and study. We have been fortunate to have held book studies, and classes over this past year.
In November we will sponsor a two-day retreat. The lectures and discussions will be conducted by a well-known Orthodox layman, Mr. George Gabriel.
The retreat will begin on Friday evening, November 17th at 7 p.m. with an opening lecture. Refreshments will be served during the discussion. On Saturday, November 18th the retreat will continue beginning with refreshments at 8:30 a.m. the lecture will begin at 9 a.m. We will break at noon, lunch at 12:30 and resume at 1:30 p.m. for our final period of discussion, questions and answers. We will close at 3:30 p.m. with a prayer of thanksgiving.
The retreat is open to all Orthodox Christians. We are asking for a small donation of $ 10.00 per person to cover expenses.
ST. PETERSBURG MALE CHOIR – on Sunday December 3rd our parish will host the Saint Petersburg Russian Male Chamber Choir. The choir consists of four talented men who are touring the northeast. The choir will perform a collection of Russian Orthodox hymns and traditional folk songs. The concert will begin at 4 p.m.
We will open the concert to the public and hope for a large turn out. The ticket price will be $ 10.00 per person. Proceeds will pay for the choir and profits will benefit the Church Beautification Fund. We will be asking for help providing refreshments on that day.
Because the 3rd of December is the eve of the Feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple we will serve Great Vespers directly after the Divine Liturgy.
CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION – at this writing progress on the beautification of the interior of our little church is off to a very good start. Over 300 letters went out in the mail to our friends and patrons. Plans for the construction of the ikonostasis are being completed and the actual construction will begin in late October.
The interior of the church has received a special base coat of paint and decorative details will be added in time. New ikons are being installed and the overall appearance is changing drastically. How beautiful our little church will be – like a small part of heaven !
A booklet has been published listing the ikons we wish to have made, and the costs involved. We have a number of ikons which remain un-pledged which are crucial to the interior design. Please note the separate list which is attached to the newsletter and make a contribution if you have not done so already. Thank you !
MONTHLY PIROGI & TAG SALE – each month our parish holds a sale of pirogi, and occasionally stuffed cabbage, borscht or other baked goods, on the first Saturday of the month. Normally, the book store is also open at the same time.
In addition, in the month of November, Dick Tarryk is also holding a small tag sale of items that he has collected. This will be the last tag sale of the year. We thank Dick for his continuing efforts to provide support to the parish, and to the Sisterhood who operates the food sale. The proceeds of both benefit the general operating fund of the parish.
BROTHERHOOD ACTIVITY – Father Basil has appointed Gary Dippel to assume the head of the brotherhood, on the recommendation of Paul Przybylski, outgoing president. Paul already has many tasks before him within the parish including the decoration of the church and ikonostasis.
As the parish grows Gary will begin to organize a more cohesive and active group of core members. We hope the Brotherhood of St. Sergius will take up an active role in many aspects of parish life. Already individual members help and support the church as we have been witness to many changes in our building and the maintenance of our property.
SISTERHOOD CONTRIBUTIONS – we wish to acknowledge and thank the Sisterhood of Saints Elizabeth and Barbara for its many contributions to the parish. A small group of ladies faithfully cleans the church building each week. The ladies operate the pirogi sale, and through other food sales over the year. The Sisterhood has raised funds donated in the form of products needed by the church, such as the two new dishwashers in the kitchen. It is now engaged in making additional altar covers for various celebrations of the church year.
We thank the Sisterhood for its continued support of our parish !
PARISH HANDBOOK – a parish handbook that includes some of the basic traditions and practices of the Russian Orthodox Church as maintained in the Church Abroad has been completed by Father Basil. The publication should soon be in print and will be available to anyone who would like a copy. In the meantime, anyone wishing to read the material on-line can check out its addition to our website.
PARISH INTRODUCTION TO NEW COMERS – we are also working to complete a small handout to individuals who wish to know a little bit more about Orthodoxy; our worship, beliefs, theology and the church. These will be readily available to visitors and we hope to have this in print in time for the Fall Festival.
BILINGUAL DIVINE LITURGY BOOKS – a few years ago we published a small, hand held copy of the Divine Liturgy that was written out in both English and Church Slavonic. As time has passed all 200 copies have vanished. In the future we hope to republish this little volume as it was, obviously, very popular.
Holy Protection Church in Rochester, NY has published a bigger, spiral bound edition. It is beautifully done. For those who wish to obtain a copy they are now available for purchase in Holy New Martyrs Bookstore. They are $ 20.00 each.
Monthly Food Sale – Labor Day weekend – Sept. 2
Labor Day Work Party – Monday, Sept. 4th
Pilgrimage to Albany – Nativity of the Virgin – Sept. 17
Brotherhood Grounds Clean-up day – Sunday, Sept. 24
Festival workshops & food prep continues
Festival set-up day – Sat/Sun. 9/30-10/1
Annual Fall Festival & Russian Bazaar – Oct. 7th
Church School star watch & bonfire – October 27-28
Monthly Food Sale / Tag Sale / Luncheon – Nov. 4
Autumn Slavic Dinner – Nov. 12
Weekend Retreat – George Gabriel – Nov. 17 & 18
Christmas Wreath Sale – Nov. 25
Monthly Food Sale/Wreath Sale/ Luncheon – Dec. 2
St. Petersburg Men’s Concert – Sunday Nov. 3
Christmas Cookie / Bake Sale – Saturday Dec. 23
Ikon of the New Martyrs of Russia - $ 500
Ikon of the Good Thief - $ 325 (one of the deacon’s doors)
Ikon of the Most Holy Trinity ---- $ 675
Medallion of the Holy Trinity - $ 425
(over the altar table)
Ikon of the Protection of
the Mother of God - $ 250
Znameny Ikon of the Mother of God – $ 425
(this ikon has already been placed on the ceiling at the back of the church as an example to the congregation)
Ikon of St. Job of Pochaev - $ 250
Ikon mural of Ss. Elizabeth & Barbara – $ 425
Kiot of St. Barbara, great martyr --- $ 225
Ikon of the Holy Myrrh Bearers - $ 275
Ikon of the Three Holy Hierarchs - $ 425 (or All Saints of America)
Ikon mural of Our Lord Jesus Christ "Lord of Creation" - $ 450
Kiot of St. Edward, king & martyr - $ 225
Ikon mural of the Mother of God - $ 450 "All creation rejoices in thee"
Ikon of Ss. Kyril & Methodii - $ 225
Ikon of St. Ephraim the Syrian - $ 150
Ikon of St. Elias the prophet - $ 150
Large, triptych ikon / mural - "All Saints of Russia" - $ 1000
( this ikon is 7 feet long )
Ikon mural of Holy Hierarchs of Moscow - $ 425
Ikon of NM Joseph, Met. of Petrograd – $ 200
Ikon and kiot of Saint Olga - $ 200
of Saint Vladimir - $ 200
of Saints Constantine & Helen - $ 200
Ikon of Saints Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda & Lubov - $ 200
Hand carved kiot for ikon of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia ------- $ 3000 (entry hall)
Construction of the Ikonostas ---- $ 2000
(needed for materials; wood, carving, etc.)