Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
A Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Norwich CT USA
Parish Pilgrimage to Holy Trinity Monastery Jordanville, NY, 11/2/2024 - 11/3/2024
27th Annual Norwich Russian Festival 10/5/2024

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Dormition 2024

Dormition 2024 - 08/28/2024

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Transfiguration 2024

Transfiguration 2024 - 08/19/2024

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Sisterhood Outing to Mohegan Park Rose Garden 6/26/2024
Annual Classic Car & Truck Show

Annual Classic Car & Truck Show - 05/25/2024

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Holy Week & Pascha 2024

Holy Week & Pascha 2024 - 05/05/2024

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Palm Sunday 2024

Palm Sunday 2024 - 04/28/2024

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Triumph of Orthodoxy 2024

Triumph of Orthodoxy 2024 - 03/24/2024

After Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 24, 2024,  our parishioners took up Holy Icons and processed around the church grounds,  in the same manner that Orthodox churches worldwide have done ever since the final defeat of iconoclasm on the first Sunday of Great Lent in the year 843.

In the words of Archimandrite John (Krestiankin): 

The first Triumph of Orthodoxy was established when, in the struggle with iconoclasm, the Church defended its right and duty to venerate icons of Christ, the Mother of God, and the saints, and thus defended the truth of the Divine Incarnation. And now the Church continues to celebrate, and will celebrate until the end of the world, the appearance of images of the Living God within it. For even now God reveals Himself in people who have acquired and manifested within themselves this priceless treasure, this sole pearl, of which the world is not worthy—a person like unto God in holiness of life.

So let us pray now, my dears, to those who have illumined and still illumine the path to truth for us by the holiness of their lives.

Let us also pray for those who by their labors and ailments preserve fidelity to the true God in our day.

Let us entreat the Lord that we might not be strangers to this fidelity and these labors. Amen.

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The Archpastoral Visit of Metropolitan Hilarion - January 1/14 2011

The Archpastoral Visit of Metropolitan Hilarion - 01/14/2012

On Saturday, January 14, on the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord and St. Basil the Great, our parish was honored by an archpastoral visit of our beloved Metropolitan Hilarion, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad,  where he celebrated the Divine Liturgy in our Church.  His Eminence was co-served by Archpriest Vasily Lickwar (rector of Holy Dormition Church in Cumberland, RI – OCA), Archpriest George Lardas (rector of St. Nicholas Church in Stratford, CT), Priest Brendan Crowley (rector of St. Nicholas Church in West Springfield, MA), Priest Nicholas Dellerman (rector of St. Nicholas Church in Norwich - OCA), and parish clerics: rector Priest Kevin Kalish and Protodeacon Nicholas Drobot.

During the Sixth Hour, Metropolitan Hilarion tonsured parishioner Nicholas Tague a reader. During the Small Entrance, Metropolitan Hilarion bestowed upon the rector, Fr. Kevin, the right to wear the nabedrennik.

Upon completion of the Liturgy, the parish sisterhood organized a bountiful luncheon for all.

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Fall Festival \'09 - How it all turned out
It was a lousy weekend.  Many would have simply given up.  But, not so the parishioners of the church on
the hill.  MORE...
The Blessing and Raising of the Cupolas

The Blessing and Raising of the Cupolas - Spring 2009

This spring, we were able to obtain and install the cupolas over the portico of our church and community building.  We want to thank all who helped us achieve this.  To those who contributed financially, to those who gave of their time, to those who gave of their labor, to those who have prayed for us may the blessings of Our Lord be upon you.  Thank you.

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When Angels Sang in Norwich - The Holy Myrrhbearers Women’s Choir

When Angels sang in Norwich - Holy Myrrhbearers Women’s Choir - 11/16/2008

On this Sunday afternoon, November 16th, in a sparsely attended hall, heavenly sounds could be heard on Canterbury Turnpike in Norwich.  It was simple to close ones eyes, listen, and be filled with sounds one might think only angels could make.  The music was astounding and touched the soul.  This was the concert given by the “Holy Myrrhbearers Women’s Choir” from Blauvelt, N.Y. in the hall at Holy New Martyr’s Russian Orthodox Church.  The program featured a wide range of Russian Liturgical Music and brought tears to the eyes of more than one member of the audience.  These 18 women, under the direction of Eugenia Temidis, have the power to take their listener through sound to sublime places.


This was a gem of a concert.  We hope this gifted choir will have the opportunity to return to Norwich and we hope more of Norwich will have the opportunity to experience their heavenly voices.

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11th Annual Fall Festival and Russian Bazaar

Fall Festival '08 - 10/04/2008

Our Annual Fall Festival was a great success and we wish to thank all who came.  We hope you had as much fun as we did. Yes, it was a lot of work, but it was well worth it.  And the best part was making new friends.  We were glad to welcome people from both near and far.  Your generosity will help us greatly as we continue to grow and we want you to know how much we appreciate it.  We will keep all of you in our prayers.  Hope to see you again in '09.  Until then, take a look at our photos and nkeep us in mind.

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Some images from Great Lent and Pascha 2008

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Photo Update 9 April 2008

9 April 2008

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Photo Archives
Upcoming Services & Events
Wednesday, 27 February / 12 March
6:00 pm - Litrugy of the Presanctified Gifts7:45 pm - Spiritual Discussion
Saturday, 2 / 15 March
9:30 am General Panikhida
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Sunday, 3 / 16 March
St. Gregory Palamas
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:30 pm - Church School (All Ages)12:30 pm - Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday, 6 / 19 March
6:00 pm Liturgy of the Presanctified GIfts7:45 pm Spiritual Discussion 
Saturday, 9 / 22 March
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Sunday, 10 / 23 March
Adoration of the Cross
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:30 pm - Church School (Ages 10+)

The Orthodox Church of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia | Contact

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