Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
A Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Norwich CT USA
Troparia, Kontakia, Prayers and Stichira from the Lenten Triodion

After Matin Gospel, Troparion, tone 8: Open to me the doors of repentance, O Life-giver. For my spirit rises early to pray towards Thy holy temple, bearing the temple of my body all defiled. But in Thy compassion, purify me by the loving kindness of Thy mercy.

Theotokion: Make straight for me the paths of salvation, O Mother of God. For I have profaned my soul with shameful sins, and have wasted my whole life in easy-going indifference. But by thy intercessions deliver me from all uncleanness.

Tone 6: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, blot out my transgression. When I think of the multitude of ghastly things I have done, wretch that I am, I tremble at the fearful day of Judgment. But trusting in the mercy of Thy loving kindness; like David I cry to Thee: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy.

(Note: These penitential songs are sung on Sundays during the Great Fast from the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee to the fifth week.)

Kontakion, tone 4: Let us avoid the proud speaking of the Pharisee and learn humility from the groans of the Publican, and let us cry in penitence: O Saviour of the world, be merciful to Thy servants.


Kontakion, tone 3: Having foolishly abandoned Thy paternal glory, I have squandered on vices the wealth Thou gavest me. Therefore I cry to Thee, O compassionate Father, receive me who repent, and treat me as one of Thy hired servants.


Troparion, tone 8: O Thou Who with wisdom profound orderest all things with love, and Who givest to all what is needful, O only Creator, give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy servants, for on Thee they have set their hope, our Maker and Builder, and our God.

Konlakion. tone 8: With the Saints give rest, O Christ, to the souls of Thy servants, where there is no pain, no sorrow, no sighing, but life everlasting.


Konlakion, tone 1: When Thou comest to earth with glory, O God, and all things tremble, then a river of fire will flow before Thy Judgment Seat, and the books will be opened, and the hidden things made public. Then deliver me from the unquenchable fire and grant me to stand at Thy right hand, O most just Judge.


Troparion, tone 4: O God of our Fathers, ever dealing with us according to Thy gentleness, take not Thy mercy from us, but by their prayers guide our life in peace.

Kontakion, tone 8: Thou hast made the company of our God-bearing Fathers illustrious as preachers of piety and silencers of impiety, O Lord, and they light up the world. By their intercessions keep in perfect peace those who magnify and glorify Thee, that they may praise Thee and sing to Thee: Alleluia.


Kontakion, tone 6: O Lord, Who art the guide to wisdom, the bestower of prudence, the instructor of the thoughtless, and the protector of the poor, strengthen and enlighten my heart. Give me the gift of expression, O Thou Who art the Word of the Father; for behold I will not prevent my lips from crying to Thee: O Merciful Lord, have mercy on me who have fallen.

The Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian:

O Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of idleness, despondency, ambition or vain talking. Prostration.
But rather a spirit of purity, humility, patience and love, bestow on me Thy servant. Prostration.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou to the ages of ages. Amen. Prostration.

O God, cleanse me, a sinner. (12 times, with a bow made for each)
Then the entire prayer:

O Lord and Master of my life . . . with one prostration made at the end.

(Note: This prayer is read in the Hours of Wednesday and Friday of Cheese Fare Week and in all services of the Great Fast, except those of Saturday and Sunday.)


Kontakion, tone 6: My soul, my soul, arise! Why are you sleeping? The end is drawing hear, and you will be confounded. Awake, then, and be watchful, that Christ our God may spare you, Who is everywhere present and fills all things.

- Great Martyr St. Theodore the Tyrian -

Troparion, tone 2: Great are the triumphs of faith! In a fountain of flame the holy martyr Theodore rejoiced as in refreshing water. For having been made a whole burnt offering by fire, he was offered as sweet bread to the Trinity. By his prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8: Having received the faith of Christ in thy heart as an inner shield, thou didst overcome all the opposing forces, O great champion, and thou hast been crowned with a heavenly crown, O Theodore, for thou art eternally invincible.

- Sunday of Orthodoxy -

Troparion, tone 2: We worship Thy immaculate Image, O Good One, and ask forgiveness of our sins, O Christ God; for of Thy own will Thou wast pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh, to deliver from slavery to the enemy those whom Thou hadst created. Therefore we thankfully cry to Thee: Thou hast filled all things with joy, O our Saviour, by coming to save the world.

Kontakion, tone 8: The illimitable Word of the Father accepted limitations by incarnation from thee, O Mother of God; and He transformed our defiled image to its original state and transfused it with the divine beauty. But we confess and give thanks for our salvation, and we proclaim it by deed and word.

- St. Gregory Palamas -

Troparion, tone 8: Light of Orthodoxy, pillar and doctor of the Church, adornment of monks, invincible champion of theologians, O Gregory the wonderworker, praise of Thessalonica, preacher of grace, ever pray that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion, tone 2: Organ of wisdom, holy and divine, bright clarion of theology, we praise thee in harmony, O divine speaker Gregory: But as a mind standing before the First Mind, direct our mind to Him, father, that we may cry: Rejoice, preacher of grace!

Kontaklon of the Sunday, tone 4: Now is the time for action, judgment is at our doors. So let us rise and fast, and let us offer tears of compunction with almsgiving, crying: We have sinned more than the sand of the sea. But forgive us all, O Creator, that we may receive incorruptible crowns.

- Sunday of the Cross -

Troparion, tone 1: O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. Grant victory over their enemies to Orthodox Christians, and protect Thy people with Thy Cross.

Kontakion, tone 4: O Christ our God, Who wast voluntarily lifted up on the Cross, grant Thy mercies to Thy new people named after Thee. Gladden with Thy power Orthodox Christians and give them victory over their enemies. May they have as an ally that invincible trophy, Thy weapon of peace.

Another Kontakion, tone 7: No longer does the flaming sword guard the gate of Eden, for a glorious extinction has come upon it, the wood of the Cross. The sting has been drawn from death and the victory from hell. And Thou, my Saviour, didst come and shout to those in hell: Enter Paradise again.

- St. John of the Ladder -

Troparion, tone 1: Thou didst prove to be a freeman of the desert, an angel in a body, and a wonder-worker, O our God - bearing Father John. By fasting, vigil and prayer thou didst obtain heavenly gifts, and thou healest the sick and the souls of those who have recourse to thee with faith. Glory to Him Who gave thee strength, glory to Him Who crowned thee, glory to Him Who works through thee healings for all.

Kontakion, tone 1: Offering ever-blossoming fruits of learning from thy book, O wise one, thou delightest the hearts of those who study it seriously, O blessed one. For it is a ladder which leads up from the earth to the heavenly and abiding glory souls who with faith honour thee.

- The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete -

Kontakion, tone 6: My soul, my soul, arise! . . .(See First Week of the Great Fast)

- The Mother of God -

Troparion, tone 8: Having mystically received knowledge of the divine order, the Bodiless One flew with haste and stopped at the house of Joseph, and said to the Virgin: Lo, He Who bowed the heavens by His descent is contained wholly and unchanged in thee. And as I beheld Him in thy womb taking the form of a servant, I marvel and cry to thee: Rejoice, unwedded Bride.

Kontakion, tone 8: Queen of the Heavenly Host, defender of our souls, we thy servants offer to thee songs of victory and thanksgiving, for thou, O Mother of God, hast delivered us from terrors. But as thou hast invincible power, free us from conflicts of all kinds that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, unwedded Bride!

- St. Mary of Egypt -

Troparion, tone 8: In thee, O Mother, was carefully preserved what is according to the Image. For thou didst take the Cross and follow Christ. By so doing thou didst teach us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away, but to care for the soul as an immortal thing. Therefore, St. Mary, thy spirit rejoices with the Angels.

Kontakion, tone 4: Having escaped the fog of sin, and having illumined thy heart with the light of penitence, O glorious one, thou didst come to Christ and didst offer to Him His immaculate and holy Mother as a merciful intercessor. Hence thou hast found remission for transgressions, and with the angels thou ever rejoicest.


Troparion, tone 1: Thou didst give a pledge of the general resurrection before Thy Passion, O Christ our God, by raising Lazarus from the dead. Therefore, we too, like the children, carry the symbols of victory and cry to Thee, the Vanquisher of death: Hosanna in the Heights! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.

Kontakion, tone 2: Christ, the joy of all, the truth, the light, the life, the resurrection of the world, in His goodness appeared to those on earth, and He became an image of the Resurrection and grants to all divine forgiveness.


Troparion, tone 1: Thou didst give a pledge. . . (See Lazarus Saturday)

Another Troparion, tone 4: As by Baptism we were buried with Thee, O Christ our God, so by Thy Resurrection we were granted immortal life, and praising Thee, we cry: Hosanna in the Heights! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.

Kontaklon, tone 6: On the throne in heaven and riding a colt on earth, O Christ our God, Thou didst receive the praise of Angels and the chorus of the children who cried to Thee: Blessed art Thou Who comest to recall Adam.

Upcoming Services & Events
Wednesday, 27 February / 12 March
6:00 pm - Litrugy of the Presanctified Gifts7:45 pm - Spiritual Discussion
Saturday, 2 / 15 March
9:30 am General Panikhida
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Sunday, 3 / 16 March
St. Gregory Palamas
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:30 pm - Church School (All Ages)12:30 pm - Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday, 6 / 19 March
6:00 pm Liturgy of the Presanctified GIfts7:45 pm Spiritual Discussion 
Saturday, 9 / 22 March
5:30 pm All-Night Vigil
Sunday, 10 / 23 March
Adoration of the Cross
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
12:30 pm - Church School (Ages 10+)

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