Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
A Parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Norwich CT USA
Mineshaft in Alapaevsk
On July 5 (18), 1918, a group of members of the Russian Royal family and their servants were thrown alive in a mineshaft near Alapaevsk, where they died in torments from their wounds and thirst. There were Grand Duchess Elizabeth with her cell attendant nun Barbara, Princes John, Igor and Constantine - sons of Grand Duke Constantine, Prince Sergei Michailovich with his steward Theodore Remez, and Count Vladimir Palei.

Upcoming Services & Events
Wednesday, 24 October / 6 November
6:00 pm Akathist & Orthodoxy 101 Class 
Saturday, 27 October / 9 November
2:00 pm - Sisterhood & Friends Outing 
5:30 pm Vigil
Sunday, 28 October / 10 November
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy
12:30 pm - Church School Parents & Teachers Meeting
Wednesday, 31 October / 13 November
6:00 pm Akathist & Orthodoxy 101 Class 
Saturday, 3 / 16 November
5:30 pm Vigil
Sunday, 4 / 17 November
9:30 am Hours and Divine Liturgy
12:30 pm - Sunday School 

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